salut vous!
How are you?
A song for a person really cool! Thank you, you this person. (by hoping that you will recognize yourself )
Artist: Serge Gainsbourg & Jane Birkin ( duo)
Song: Je t' aimes moi non plus
Je t'aime je t'aime
Oh oui je t'aime!
- Moi non plus.
- Oh mon amour...
- Comme la vague irrsolue
Je vais je vais...
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How are you?
A song for a person really cool! Thank you, you this person. (by hoping that you will recognize yourself )
Artist: Serge Gainsbourg & Jane Birkin ( duo)
Song: Je t' aimes moi non plus
Je t'aime je t'aime
Oh oui je t'aime!
- Moi non plus.
- Oh mon amour...
- Comme la vague irrsolue
Je vais je vais...
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hello you. more to come soon. for now, just this:
Yesterday someone treated me certain things that are not really to pass/ I do not digest. Today, I have the impression that you see me as this person insulted me... And all scheme / group together, bah that does poorly, believed me...
It is the time of the justification , I hate to justify me on certain subject, and that one, and include in...
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Yesterday someone treated me certain things that are not really to pass/ I do not digest. Today, I have the impression that you see me as this person insulted me... And all scheme / group together, bah that does poorly, believed me...
It is the time of the justification , I hate to justify me on certain subject, and that one, and include in...
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there is no sobbing icon. why must you go my best French boy?
mais tu dois tre tyj!!
en colre en plus!
jesus est de retour! LOL!
en colre en plus!
jesus est de retour! LOL!
You can be in the group... I just have to click approve and you will be in.
...i am a pirate!
u made me smiiile!!!
u made me smiiile!!!
en esprant que vous allez bien!!!
Hey hey hey!!!
Snif snif snif...
Two seconds ago I had the large form... but there, it is finished...
One would have put a ball in the head to me that would have make the same effect to me I think... no matter what the ball, IT, at least, it would not have make me suffer.
The most painful thing in the life, for me,...
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Snif snif snif...
Two seconds ago I had the large form... but there, it is finished...
One would have put a ball in the head to me that would have make the same effect to me I think... no matter what the ball, IT, at least, it would not have make me suffer.
The most painful thing in the life, for me,...
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Hey ! bonne anne
and i was going to ask you what tyj stood for!
and i was going to ask you what tyj stood for!
... ...
Je suis une femme de l' occident, je suis nerveuse et ben stresse, j' achte toutes sortes de calmants, j' gobe des pillules et du caf.
J' attends mon chque pour me nourir, j' attends mon homme pour me payer.
Je suis une femme de l' occident, qui court aprs l' argent.
Je suis un homme de l' occident, j' aimes les belles...
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Je suis une femme de l' occident, je suis nerveuse et ben stresse, j' achte toutes sortes de calmants, j' gobe des pillules et du caf.
J' attends mon chque pour me nourir, j' attends mon homme pour me payer.
Je suis une femme de l' occident, qui court aprs l' argent.
Je suis un homme de l' occident, j' aimes les belles...
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it means you are VERY SWEET! as simple as it can be!
Hey silly! That picture was Bella Donna, a porn star. It's from her website that's why he flower is covered. Your funny!
how are you?
.of what are to you more afraid in the life?
and another questions compared to the site
.which are the significances of the funds of color (gray clear and dark, pink, purple) of the messages of answers which is posted in our journal (I hope that you see what I want to say)
pass a good week end and take care...
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how are you?
.of what are to you more afraid in the life?
and another questions compared to the site
.which are the significances of the funds of color (gray clear and dark, pink, purple) of the messages of answers which is posted in our journal (I hope that you see what I want to say)
pass a good week end and take care...
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good u?
have a good day
have a good day
hello everybody!!!
it is what the thing which puffs out you the life? me, it is impatience and honestly that will finish by me killing...
lol, I say that because I spent one day of shit, I hope that tomorrow that will be better, and that for you the life is pinker than mine
I fuck you my friends but I love you come my...
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it is what the thing which puffs out you the life? me, it is impatience and honestly that will finish by me killing...
lol, I say that because I spent one day of shit, I hope that tomorrow that will be better, and that for you the life is pinker than mine
I fuck you my friends but I love you come my...
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here's to the pinkest day tomorrow, tyj. (in case you didn't know, it's not nice to say "i fuck you my friends.)
hello !
je crois que les messages roses viennent des Suicide Girls, les violets de tes "friends" et les kakis les tiens. je suis pas sr mais a doit tre quelque chose dans le genre !
"I fuck you my friends" c charmant !!! LOL
je crois que les messages roses viennent des Suicide Girls, les violets de tes "friends" et les kakis les tiens. je suis pas sr mais a doit tre quelque chose dans le genre !
"I fuck you my friends" c charmant !!! LOL
hey you!!!
today, I want just say that:
"Salut toi mon frre
Salut toi peuple Khmer
Salut toi l' Algrien
Salut toi le Tunisien
Salut toi Bengladesh
Salut toi peuple Grec
Salut toi petit Indien
Salut toi punk Iranien
Salut toi rebelle Afghan
Salut toi le dissident
Salut toi le Chilien
Salut toi le p'tit Malien
Salut toi le Mohican
Salut toi peuple Gitan
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today, I want just say that:
"Salut toi mon frre
Salut toi peuple Khmer
Salut toi l' Algrien
Salut toi le Tunisien
Salut toi Bengladesh
Salut toi peuple Grec
Salut toi petit Indien
Salut toi punk Iranien
Salut toi rebelle Afghan
Salut toi le dissident
Salut toi le Chilien
Salut toi le p'tit Malien
Salut toi le Mohican
Salut toi peuple Gitan
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are you really french, or do you just put on that adorable french accent to get girls? (it's amazing, i can hear your accent even when you type.)
salut mon ami...
comment ca va?
comment ca va?