Is a house filled with things you own, or things that own you? After all, your things get to loaf around all day while you're out earning money, and then you have to come back and clean up your things, perform maintenance on them, buy more things that accessorize with the other things you have. If I didn't have so many things, I wouldn't need a house. I could sleep out on the beach with just a sleeping bag, a campfire, and a change of clothes....
I'm not sure where I'm going with all this, except that unpacking is dreadfully boring. I have a small duck carved out of wood. Why?
I'm not sure where I'm going with all this, except that unpacking is dreadfully boring. I have a small duck carved out of wood. Why?
ebay all your shit. That's what I'm working on. And, is that a navy profile pic?
The haze gray and the electrical panels gave it away. I came within 100 miles of doing the shellback deal. Got the order of the spanish main in the carribean, blue nose for going into the arctic circle, and one that escapes me for going through the starights of gibralter. I'm out now too. Nice to meet you.