So my buddy does a lot of work with computer programming and websites and shit like that. A girl I dated a decade ago just went to school for it and has had a rough time getting her foot in the door anywhere, so I hooked her up with freelance gig to get some cash. She has been unemployed for a year now.
Anyway, she dropped a bomb on me recently that she stayed in Philadelphia for me. Could have gone away to school, but didn't. So she was waving that over my head in an attempt to get back together.
She sent me a text message asking to get together for coffee last night. "I just need a hug."
Was also informed my her that she was just put on meds for anxiety and panic attacks. Kinda ironic considering my last girlfriend had them too.
Makes me wonder if I'm finding these girls or if I'm driving them to be this way.
On the bright side, I had a great Thanksgiving. Me, Mom, Sister. We had dinner and never got out of our PJs.
So nice. For the first time in ten years I didn't have to go somewhere for a second dinner.

Anyway, she dropped a bomb on me recently that she stayed in Philadelphia for me. Could have gone away to school, but didn't. So she was waving that over my head in an attempt to get back together.
She sent me a text message asking to get together for coffee last night. "I just need a hug."
Was also informed my her that she was just put on meds for anxiety and panic attacks. Kinda ironic considering my last girlfriend had them too.
Makes me wonder if I'm finding these girls or if I'm driving them to be this way.
On the bright side, I had a great Thanksgiving. Me, Mom, Sister. We had dinner and never got out of our PJs.
So nice. For the first time in ten years I didn't have to go somewhere for a second dinner.

How is your new place treating you? I really love nolibs. Such a great area.