Yeah! Next weekend i'm goin up to visit my family in Mass.!! All my family from PA will be there also. This will be the first time I have spent christmas with them in over 10 years. A little nervous but its still cool. I never cared to deal with all thier crap as we did not get along over the years but I might as well be the person to fix it. Not sure what to expect so I will not be staying with them - I got a hotel room so if anyone is close to springfield, ma and wants to show me some cool places to party that would be nice.
Goin to get more ink on my back today and I need to start getting my other shoulder cap design together. Looking for a different artist. Nothing wrong with the one I got, just looking for a different style. Any top artists in ohio? NO FLASH CRAP! Artists who have talent past a coloring book only need apply..... I have talked to many in columbus and to say im unimpressed would be a huge understatement. Thier egos are far past the quality of thier work.
I hate this weather
When you combine the sun setting at 4:30, freezing ass cold, and people stressing about the holidays, I like the winter less every year.
Be safe and have fun!!
Goin to get more ink on my back today and I need to start getting my other shoulder cap design together. Looking for a different artist. Nothing wrong with the one I got, just looking for a different style. Any top artists in ohio? NO FLASH CRAP! Artists who have talent past a coloring book only need apply..... I have talked to many in columbus and to say im unimpressed would be a huge understatement. Thier egos are far past the quality of thier work.
I hate this weather

Be safe and have fun!!
yay for a new tat! i wish i could get one with my xmas money but i'm too practical and feel like i need to save up. and then i'll have to find a tattoo artist i like. i know what i want. but will probably take many years to get it done. hope you find someone cool soon!
i agree with you i hate this weather. i hate it so much more because i have to take the damn cota bus to my shitty retail job (which by the way i still want to have in january even though i hate it so much cause yeah money is good). the bus is always late. so cold. so very very cold.
yeah that's true. we can always make fun of them behind our backs. i'm trying to get through now by remaining calm, trying not to take things personally (even when in truth i might have messed up a little...i did what i was trained. if they neglected to train me in a procedure and i screw it up, it's not really my fault now is it? ) i keep telling myself like a mantra that the only reason i'm doing this job is to pay the bills and so that when i am utterly miserable wanting to die in grad school teaching 25 hours, taking 20 hours, and writing a thesis i can say to myself "at least it's better than retail anymore." and then when i get a job in theatre and make less than i do as a cashier again i can say "it's a trade my work or make $7.25"
how's that for cynical optimism?
nice to meet you!