well i guess its that time for me to say something. ummm i got nothing to say really right now. well if you havn't seen 28 days later see it cause that movie owns all well besides star wars hahaha. people say something back to cause no one ever says anything i'm uncool and have to friends on here frown
28 days later is great! I missed it at the cinema (it came out ages ago here) but rented the DVD. Great film, and the dvd extras are worthwhile aswell.

Well, if youre uncool, Im supercool! (hah, lamest pseudo-joke ever) nice to meet you. Im Luke :waves
good show coming up this sunday here in baltimore at the baltimore food not bombs house. old friends of mine that i havn't seen in like almost 2 years. i'm taking my distro down there to sell shirts patchs. then after the show hitting the bar cause the show starts at 4:00pm so that means it should be over by 9 or 10 hope to...
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ooo aaa
just thought i would say hi to everyone its been a while since i put anything in here so hi everyone. be getting my ears done soon going down to a 000g and getting 2 new tatts soon i hope blush
ok now how much of a dick is my boss? well today she tryed to blame shit on me in front of OUR other boss and thats her boss too, well anyway she gave this work to do that was her work and she knew i was busy as hell with my own work. so she was trying to say that these 2 diff. things...
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wohoooooo look at that sexxxy stud muffin you finally got your profile togather yay for you and your boss could suck my artifical wiener!
hahaha thanks Anna smile
ok whats up folks, yet another shitty day at the baltimore zoo. why you ask? i'll tell you why cause my fucking stupid ass boss keeps giving me her work to dude and also gave me something to do like 2 weeks ago and told me there wasn't a dead line for it, but what do i find out today? that her boss tells me...
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awww thanks you !!, kiss
and don't worry when i go over there we get drunk and fuck your work up
sitting here drinking alone sucks come drink with me someone please frown
oh I would but I have been drinking myself, soo I am unable to drive to your place and join youfrown
awww hun i would if i knew you were going to be up when i got there
well today was another long day. but friday is almost here and i'll be able to buy star wars galaxies. i may be getting a new job soon i hope cause doing what i do sucks thats all for now folks oink
but you get to work with animals! how cool is that kiss
Work sucks, today seemed so long mad for those of you who don't know i work at the baltimore zoo and do data entry. but it just never seemed like it would end. when i went to get lunch it was raining so hard i cam back and was so fucking wet it sucked. but anyway i'm doing distro work this weekend and it will be...
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