Something rather unsettling happened at work today. We received a customers UPS order returned. This isn't anything unusual but the reason that was printed out on a nice UPS label said "RECEIVER DECEASED." It was just so weird that we all laughed about it and made bad jokes. I put it to the side and decided to get to it later. When I finally opened it and check the order it got really bad. It turns out the package was a gift for the customer's nephew. We have an option were you can right a personal message and the message read as follows, "Happy Birthday, congrats on making it this long." Which lead us to believe that the nephew had a terminal disease. I didn't know what to email the customer. Who knows if they have been informed yet. There is no way in hell I would want to find out about my nephew's death from a online punk store customer service representative's email. Finally I just emailed them that the package was returned and to contact me. On the nice side the owners are talking about sending a card.
On a different note go check out my friend's band website Me vs the Monster
On a different note go check out my friend's band website Me vs the Monster