Pill Popping, Booze Guzzling, Boobs & more ogling, and more Pill Popping

After drinking a gallon of orange juice, consuming multiple Half Defense lozenges, and downing a fair share of Nyquil I was able to make it to the titty bar. As always it was good times particularly when the $0.25 drafts started to flow. Granted it is a quarter for an 8 oz cup...
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Let's here it for getting your hopes up and then having them fall hard. Frankly, I shouldn't have got excited about this because I was in over my head. I had to do a painting for a band ad matte and I have not painted in ages. Therefore the project got scraped. It wasn't a great painting so I understand why they decided to go...
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I'm getting to go on Warped tour for a few weeks (July 8 - August 1) for work. If your there you should stop by the Interpunk tent. We'll probably be drunk and having a good old time.
The Punk Rock Bowling in Vegas was fucking insane. My bowling team, Horse Tits with Gray - The Bowling Team, went nuts and one of us was almost evicted from the hotel. We had not even been in Vegas for 24 hours. We destroyed one of our hotel rooms and basically went nuts.
I just couldn't stay away. Maybe I'll put my membership to better use this time.
Hi I just decided to pop by journals that were local to me. I recently moved to Ashburn. smile
I just completely wasted may day off. All day I watched Celebrity Poker Showdown. There was nothing I could do. It sunk it's dirty claws in to my neck and would not let go! It quickly drained me of all will and I became it's zombie.
hmm... who's wedding?
thanks smile i was waiting till the swelling went down...and then....i broke out in a rash. so i am waiting for that to go away to take another set of pics to post in the tat group!
It is so damn hot in my townhose right now. I cannot wait to move.
Something rather unsettling happened at work today. We received a customers UPS order returned. This isn't anything unusual but the reason that was printed out on a nice UPS label said "RECEIVER DECEASED." It was just so weird that we all laughed about it and made bad jokes. I put it to the side and decided to get to it later. When I finally opened...
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