it's fuckin early, got up at 7:15 am to go to the eye doctor get my eyes all fucked with so now i look like a lemer. while i was waiting to go blind, i pick up a magizine flippped trough it until i came to a article on "how to know what your man is thinking?" the weird thing was it was written by some woman. i read through it the more i read the more i find that this bitch doesn't know shit. she turned every simple gesture into a melodrama it went something like your man says: do you want to go get something to eat? what he is thinking is : i feel too confined in my environment and need to be released. BULLSHIT what he's thinking is- damn i'm hungry. that's it we're simple do women take any of this shit serious the magizine sells a shitload of copies so some must.
now i'm going back to sleep
now i'm going back to sleep
you should write in and complain, maybe they'll let you write it from now on
I suppose my boy telling me he's tired means his crying out to be loved because of his inner loneliness. I bow down to thee, wise girly mags.
Silly woman, do you think she's even MET a man?