so.. some little 18 yr old girl was speeding.. ran a red light... and hit my car. so now.. i have no car she totalled it. geico only wanted to give me 1300 for my car and even in poor condition my car was worth over 1700.. even tho its 11 yrs old. so, i hastled them nd gave them crap for a good while...
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*sigh* i work so hard and watch so many people stand in their isle with their thumbs up their asses... then when they go home i go and finish their work and work their overstock.... why do i work so hard agian? oh yeah, its self gratification... i like to see my good work.
fuckin ass holes! excuse me but i am stressed...
im working...
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fuckin ass holes! excuse me but i am stressed...
im working...
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wow you are a really good person.
Christmas is not over rated, I love every thing about it, the music the decorations, the music, and I like buying people stuff, it just makes my heart warm.
Christmas is not over rated, I love every thing about it, the music the decorations, the music, and I like buying people stuff, it just makes my heart warm.
ok.. i worked like 10 days in a row.. im soar and tired... im off now but i slept like 12 hours...
holidays at walmart is hell on earth.. we are all working mass overtime and i swear they act like we are expected to eat sleep and breath walmart! so... i havent been on alot because i've been trying to recoop... im sorry guys....
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holidays at walmart is hell on earth.. we are all working mass overtime and i swear they act like we are expected to eat sleep and breath walmart! so... i havent been on alot because i've been trying to recoop... im sorry guys....
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I've been in wal mart this time of year, I know how bad it must suck.
I miss you.
I miss you.
ok,... i have the internet agian!! lol
my life is unstable... oui!
my life is unstable... oui!
ah yes
i know the feeling
yay for internet!

i know the feeling
yay for internet!

where are you?
so i have been away for such a long time....
i wont go into detail but some major shit went down at my apt and i had to leave for a while... i havent had a phone a car or internet.... luckily i ended up staying with a friend i work with so i had a ride to work... but things are better now.. i...
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i wont go into detail but some major shit went down at my apt and i had to leave for a while... i havent had a phone a car or internet.... luckily i ended up staying with a friend i work with so i had a ride to work... but things are better now.. i...
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wow glad yo uare safe.
I updated about miss Kris.
everything is falling appart.
kids grow and leave...
trample on my heart...
whats difference does it make anyways, right?javascript:insertSmilie('
', 'insertTarget');
kids grow and leave...
trample on my heart...
whats difference does it make anyways, right?javascript:insertSmilie('

Please read my journal, it's important, short and not about me.
This is Miss Kris, the girl from my journal, please remember to send her good thought, and pray to whatever god it is you pray to.

*crie* i dont think i can do SG... im bruises beyond all belief from my job.. and i will be doing this job till i find something that pays the same or better.
i even broke my finger.. although not on the job... unfortunatly. roar... im all purple and greenish from the neck down lol. oh well *sigh*
i even broke my finger.. although not on the job... unfortunatly. roar... im all purple and greenish from the neck down lol. oh well *sigh*
Oh my god what happened to you?
i got a new pet, you should go look at photos of him.
well, another wonderful day lol. i was pissed off all day till i came home..
and i came home to my lil krack
one of my guys brought me a kitten.. and i named him krack
he's white and fluffy
as for the questions.. im not sure where i wanna move... i just need a change agian lol.
the little writting was a short poem.....
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and i came home to my lil krack

as for the questions.. im not sure where i wanna move... i just need a change agian lol.
the little writting was a short poem.....
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When did you get Krack? If you move how far away do you want to go?
ok, i havent been on in a while.. and im sorry for that... ive been sick for a while and then sleepin to get over the after effects lol. but now i cant sleep any more soooo.. im back
im thinkin about moving agian... i want to be far away from here... lol
i dunno... i wrote a bit today... just something in my mind...
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im thinkin about moving agian... i want to be far away from here... lol
i dunno... i wrote a bit today... just something in my mind...
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Im glad your back.
Where are you wanting to move?
Is that a song?
Where are you wanting to move?
Is that a song?
Sorry you have been sick, glad you are better. Yeah, what he said, where ya going or i should say, wanting to go?
welcome back
welcome back

well, today was soo fuckin eventful! lemme tell ya! woke up.. got ready to go out.
went clubbin... ate waffle house. then every one fuckin crashed... i am awake.. and drinking all by myself. we were suppose to drink together.. but now, im all by myslef... in my best friends living room while three other chix are sleeping.
truethfully, right now... im pissed off, kinda...
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went clubbin... ate waffle house. then every one fuckin crashed... i am awake.. and drinking all by myself. we were suppose to drink together.. but now, im all by myslef... in my best friends living room while three other chix are sleeping.
truethfully, right now... im pissed off, kinda...
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Well its after 12 and Im here by my self, there was only 2 people that showed up and they went to the club with my roommate, so Im here by myself drinking.

I am glad you had fun. It is a shame you find yourself in the predicament that you do.
well, lets see....
hung out with my timmy... which was "FUCKIN AWESOME!" the hung out with jen and nicole... which was cool cuz i havent seen em in forever.. but im sure i was borring.. kinsidering i havent slept much.
ummm.. im almost positive that danny is going to leave the appt. as soon as the lease ends, which is sad.. cuz hes an awesome...
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hung out with my timmy... which was "FUCKIN AWESOME!" the hung out with jen and nicole... which was cool cuz i havent seen em in forever.. but im sure i was borring.. kinsidering i havent slept much.
ummm.. im almost positive that danny is going to leave the appt. as soon as the lease ends, which is sad.. cuz hes an awesome...
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I hope you can become really good friends with all of these people and stay that way for the rest of your life, I also hope that me and you can become really good friends.
What kind of different life styles does that guy have from you?
I get along with girls better then I do with guys.
He should get an SG account, its so much better then my space.
Why cant you wake every one up with food anymore?
What makes you think you dont matter?
Well I dont talk to anyone I grew up with any more so if we were friends you would matter just as much as all the rest of my friends.
Well I hope they come to the party, do you allow beer at your place.
Im going to email you about my party.
What kind of different life styles does that guy have from you?
I get along with girls better then I do with guys.
He should get an SG account, its so much better then my space.
Why cant you wake every one up with food anymore?
What makes you think you dont matter?
Well I dont talk to anyone I grew up with any more so if we were friends you would matter just as much as all the rest of my friends.
Well I hope they come to the party, do you allow beer at your place.
Im going to email you about my party.
Getting up is hard some times.
Every one needs a mother figure in their life, even if they dont know it.
Yes e-friends do count; I hope we become good e-friends.
I like tequila.
Every one needs a mother figure in their life, even if they dont know it.
Yes e-friends do count; I hope we become good e-friends.
I like tequila.
well those and banks!
I hate insurance companies to.
I was almost killed in a car wreck and I was the passenger and I did get a pretty sum of money out of it, but still not enough.