updated profile and new pics
i didn't really like my profile pic but i left it in my pics
and now for a slightly more detailed account of last friday
i arrived at ESL early so i sat at the bar and watched ET for a bit until i realized bigblack81 was sitting next to me. it's funny that 2 new folks with social issues would meet before anyone else showed up. mark is a really cool guy, if i had not met him i might not have met anyone.
when people showed up i briefly met wyspurr but then spent a good bit of time wallflowering and watching peewee's playhouse and willy wonka
by the time i had consumed 66 ounces of newcastle, mark informed me that everyone was leaving so i tagged along with him and we ended up riding with ultimatelewser and oryon to lennys
those guys are great, especially for letting me ride before they had actually met me.
lennys was a great dive and the bar had cold rumple minze and goldschlager, which are favorites of mine. i finally had opportunity to say hi to llona, wow, she is an amazingly nice person and it's impossible for pictures to do her beauty justice. it was also at this point that i met donzell, but we didn't have a chance to chat much before lennys closed
we jumped into the saturn once again, plus 2 others (sorry i can't remember your names), and headed for azul. by this time i was definitively drunk, i just sat down and chilled with llona, bigblack, oryon, and the mystery two. before we left azul, i managed to lose my cellphone which i didn't realize until i was at my car, luckily the bartender had it and i retrieved it the next day.
theres no good reason i attempted to drive home, i quickly pulled into a parking lot and took a good nap
overall it was a great time out, and i am really looking forward to the holiday party. i wish i had met more people, but i'm terrible with meeting people, extremely shy, but much better after the initial contact.
i also heard from Gomer, my friend in bagdad, today. the first i heard since the whole fallujah thing. he is doing well and will return stateside in march or april
i didn't really like my profile pic but i left it in my pics
and now for a slightly more detailed account of last friday
i arrived at ESL early so i sat at the bar and watched ET for a bit until i realized bigblack81 was sitting next to me. it's funny that 2 new folks with social issues would meet before anyone else showed up. mark is a really cool guy, if i had not met him i might not have met anyone.
when people showed up i briefly met wyspurr but then spent a good bit of time wallflowering and watching peewee's playhouse and willy wonka
by the time i had consumed 66 ounces of newcastle, mark informed me that everyone was leaving so i tagged along with him and we ended up riding with ultimatelewser and oryon to lennys
those guys are great, especially for letting me ride before they had actually met me.
lennys was a great dive and the bar had cold rumple minze and goldschlager, which are favorites of mine. i finally had opportunity to say hi to llona, wow, she is an amazingly nice person and it's impossible for pictures to do her beauty justice. it was also at this point that i met donzell, but we didn't have a chance to chat much before lennys closed
we jumped into the saturn once again, plus 2 others (sorry i can't remember your names), and headed for azul. by this time i was definitively drunk, i just sat down and chilled with llona, bigblack, oryon, and the mystery two. before we left azul, i managed to lose my cellphone which i didn't realize until i was at my car, luckily the bartender had it and i retrieved it the next day.
theres no good reason i attempted to drive home, i quickly pulled into a parking lot and took a good nap
overall it was a great time out, and i am really looking forward to the holiday party. i wish i had met more people, but i'm terrible with meeting people, extremely shy, but much better after the initial contact.
i also heard from Gomer, my friend in bagdad, today. the first i heard since the whole fallujah thing. he is doing well and will return stateside in march or april
I've known Oryon and Lewser since we were like 12 haha...they are pretty cool guys dontcha think?
Well, I'm gonna sling a friend request your way, cuz I wanna get to know my fellow ATLiens a bit better.
Actually...maybe we shouldn't do that after all.