Whats up world of SG, I've been pretty good, Im finally moved into my house, and almost have everything situated, except the bedroom. And everytime i try to get the room straight, I end up playing with my daughter and destroying it. But being with her has been a blast, so Im definitley moving to tampa here in the future. But I will definitley be...
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ty for being there for me

And I have a slave collar ....do you have a leash?
Ahhh, life is great. Well, here is whats been going on in my life, Last weekend I went to see Motley Crue on friday, show was ok, the drum solo was the great, but it was ok. Saturday, I headed to Ft worth, and kicked it with a few friends, and Sunday i went to the Texas Motor Speedway and watched, a bunch of cars...
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I've done bugger all - watched the draft, ducked out of a big poker game and heard all about what I missed
Almost a waste but then I'm going cock-a-wanking-hoop over the Bears draft. Benson's going to be a stud, Barclay is the sickest athlete on the team since Azumah - and he's beyond him, and we drafted a future starter/1st rounder in Orton.
I'm soooo freakin' stoked!

Almost a waste but then I'm going cock-a-wanking-hoop over the Bears draft. Benson's going to be a stud, Barclay is the sickest athlete on the team since Azumah - and he's beyond him, and we drafted a future starter/1st rounder in Orton.
I'm soooo freakin' stoked!
5 days until return of the sith.....have you bought tickets already?

AHHHH, what a wonderful weekend, it was really great. It started out friday, I headed out to canyon lake with my father and a couple of friends. We sat around the camp fire the first night getting drunk off our ass. The next day I sat around trying to remember, the night before, lol nah we went out on the boat, cruised and tubed a...
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happy 4 20~!~
RIVER TRIP THIS SUNDAY!!!!!!!!!! if you're off...it's the place to be!
check my journal.

Symbols (and what they represent), you have to love them, people always love symbols, and being a part of something. Its been like that since the begining of time. For some reason, people like to make there mark. Look around you, from the American flag, Crucifixes, Taggers, Gang symbols, logos, Sports teams, Nazi's, Black panthers, car club stickers and many other types of symbols. Is...
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I want proof of this great birthday!
oh man...it was lots of fun hanging with you Saturday...we have to do this stuff more often! I'm planning a river trip very soon.....sooo...i'll be letting you know man! half naked people+lots of alcohol+kill=one hell of a good time!

HEEEEEEEY People, whats been going on, Ive been pretty busy, had family visting, camping, and basically using my house just as a place to sleep then im out. I went and saw a movie with Happygrl, Ring 2, which the movie sucked complete ass, lol, but we had a great time. But Ill be back more to keep everyone updated.

Yo, yo, yo.
I'm almost ready to start writing this next book of mine.
Give me a name of someone you'd like killed.
I'm almost ready to start writing this next book of mine.
Give me a name of someone you'd like killed.
It shall be done 

anything for my homie 

That's not a bong you're holding.
I should be appalled. But I'm not. That's a damned fine bad boy. And the bong's not bad either.
Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck - I made a funny

I should be appalled. But I'm not. That's a damned fine bad boy. And the bong's not bad either.
Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck - I made a funny

Bi-atching pic, dude.
Is that the almighty Voltron?
Is that the almighty Voltron?
Damn...I give good advice
Had fun with you and Jim...tell him thanks for bringing his girl and her huge boobs....they were definitely nice to look at
even if it wa through a wife beater...yummy

Ahh, is 730 and im up already on my day off. Cleaning this house is going to suck, but ahhh it wont be bad. Sit around here smoke a lil and write a lil after Im done cleaning.
Superbowl is coming, I hope the Eagles own the Pats, and T.O scores 3 TD's. Ill probably be a lil smashed tomorrow, its going to be great....
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Superbowl is coming, I hope the Eagles own the Pats, and T.O scores 3 TD's. Ill probably be a lil smashed tomorrow, its going to be great....
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Don't talk to me about cleaning. I'm battling the cold and still have to blitz my room something serious.
Pats 31
Eagles 16
MVP: Corey Dillon
And when the Eagles lose you blame Freddie Mitchell. I totally intend to-- it's the X-Factor. Now there's no decent gambling value by wagering on the Pats. None thanks to that git. Bah.
Pats 31
Eagles 16
MVP: Corey Dillon
And when the Eagles lose you blame Freddie Mitchell. I totally intend to-- it's the X-Factor. Now there's no decent gambling value by wagering on the Pats. None thanks to that git. Bah.
Actually you triple posted (double posting and posting a message saying you double posted is a triple post) but since we're cool, and I laughed my nuts off, I'll let it slide.
Baseball is something I try to get into every year but never have the time. I'd be Cubs though, I'd imagine. I already back one Chicago loser, may as well back another
Wisdom from the football gods:
It is easier to stop a great offence scoring than to score on a great defence.
Do you buy into this talk that Belicheck can outcoach any team given the time. I frankly don't. He wouldn't beat the '85 Bears with McMahon. No way would he beat the '94 49ers and I'd have my doubts he'd be able to beat the 2000 Ravens.
Go Cubs... nope heart isn't in it...
C'mon the f'n Jocks... now there's a cheer. Peace.

Baseball is something I try to get into every year but never have the time. I'd be Cubs though, I'd imagine. I already back one Chicago loser, may as well back another

Wisdom from the football gods:
It is easier to stop a great offence scoring than to score on a great defence.
Do you buy into this talk that Belicheck can outcoach any team given the time. I frankly don't. He wouldn't beat the '85 Bears with McMahon. No way would he beat the '94 49ers and I'd have my doubts he'd be able to beat the 2000 Ravens.
Go Cubs... nope heart isn't in it...
C'mon the f'n Jocks... now there's a cheer. Peace.
Going to throw a superbowl party, thinking about throwing up a projector on one wall, plus i have the 51" HD, and a 32, and 13 inch thats getting thrown in the bathroom. A keg, but the rest is still in planning process. Anyone from S.A wanna come?
I've been having allot of fun lately, hardly ever home, and If I am, I definitely have...
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I've been having allot of fun lately, hardly ever home, and If I am, I definitely have...
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be sure to take a big hit for me!

Hey brother,
How are things down in SA?
How are things down in SA?
I truley love Christmas, I really do love the Holidays. This time of year is great. Except for one lil tiny thing, San Antonio doesnt get that cold at all. I might never get to break out the leather jacket again. This could not be, its an outrage, because I look so good in my leather jacket. I do need...
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I truley love Christmas, I really do love the Holidays. This time of year is great. Except for one lil tiny thing, San Antonio doesnt get that cold at all. I might never get to break out the leather jacket again. This could not be, its an outrage, because I look so good in my leather jacket. I do need...
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Happy New Year
Happy New Year!
Well Im bout to head to the airport, to visit me family in El Paso for the Turkey Holiday. So If I'm unable to visit SG over the next few days, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!! I hope everyone has a great holiday, and remains smiling non-stop. If you get sad for one moment, message me, If i get a chance to check it, I promise Ill spend...
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Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Dude...update youre freakin page!
I know its been awhile, but I'm back. I'm heading to visit my family on wednesday in El Paso. I haven't been there in awhile so this will be fun. Get to go party in Juarez Mexico, hopefully its still 8 dollars drink and drown. See a few old buddies, I hope this thanksgiving holiday turns out to be a good one.
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Deacon is off SG now...its about time you update!!

You're alive!
TuTone's ALIIIIIIIIIIIIVVVVVVEEEEE!!!!! - pretend that's my Brian Blessed impression from Flash Gordon, please.
More of this sort of news.
TuTone's ALIIIIIIIIIIIIVVVVVVEEEEE!!!!! - pretend that's my Brian Blessed impression from Flash Gordon, please.

More of this sort of news.