Funny Memories.
I don't think of myself as old....but I realize that I now have memories of things that younger people would think of as being ancient history. Thinks like 8-track players....or computer punch cards....or even 7 1/2 inch floppies (if you don't know what these things are, PLEASE don't tell me or I will feel even MORE ancient!!...hehe). But some changes are more cultural and actually kinda humorous when you think about it.
I played basketball when I was young and played in a summer league at some inner-city gym. There were many teams and we would play a few games a night. At the end of the night, we would have about an hour to use the pool before the bus took us home. We were all anxious to jump in the pool and everyone swam naked!
So think about was all boys (of course) but the ages ranged throughout the 'teens'. We never thought twice about it. Nobody wanted to worry about dragging a bathing suit along and since it was all boys, who cares?? I know that many things have grown better in our little world when it comes to tolerance of many different lifestyles, but I think some things have gotten worse. Did such activities breed bisexual or gay feelings among boys?... of course not. Yet, I doubt there are too many parents around who would allow their sons to have 'pool time' with his buddies after a game of basketball.
I think no issue is really so crystal clear that it just evaporates quickly with time. We say we 'tolerate' things but does that mean that we allow an activity to occur even though we despise it even MORE privately?? There was a purity in our actions at the pool....just kids being kids without the parental influence over our 'thoughts'. We are more tolerant now, but do we reach the end of all this any faster by hiding our children from things that seem pretty natural to them?
I don't think of myself as old....but I realize that I now have memories of things that younger people would think of as being ancient history. Thinks like 8-track players....or computer punch cards....or even 7 1/2 inch floppies (if you don't know what these things are, PLEASE don't tell me or I will feel even MORE ancient!!...hehe). But some changes are more cultural and actually kinda humorous when you think about it.
I played basketball when I was young and played in a summer league at some inner-city gym. There were many teams and we would play a few games a night. At the end of the night, we would have about an hour to use the pool before the bus took us home. We were all anxious to jump in the pool and everyone swam naked!
So think about was all boys (of course) but the ages ranged throughout the 'teens'. We never thought twice about it. Nobody wanted to worry about dragging a bathing suit along and since it was all boys, who cares?? I know that many things have grown better in our little world when it comes to tolerance of many different lifestyles, but I think some things have gotten worse. Did such activities breed bisexual or gay feelings among boys?... of course not. Yet, I doubt there are too many parents around who would allow their sons to have 'pool time' with his buddies after a game of basketball.
I think no issue is really so crystal clear that it just evaporates quickly with time. We say we 'tolerate' things but does that mean that we allow an activity to occur even though we despise it even MORE privately?? There was a purity in our actions at the pool....just kids being kids without the parental influence over our 'thoughts'. We are more tolerant now, but do we reach the end of all this any faster by hiding our children from things that seem pretty natural to them?
Aw thanks for your comment on Latara's set

Very true words sir, it's selective conditioning. Truth is we are all capable of so much more than we believe we are.