Speed limits!
I've written about baking, torture and gay marriage. The next obvious topic is speed limits
I am very suspicious of people who go the speed limit. I don't mean that they drive a little under...or a little over the speed limit. I mean the people that go EXACTLY the speed limit. For those who may read this from a country other than the US, we have speed limits here and our police will sometimes keep a watch for people who speed. They are not TOO crazy about it and will give you a little buffer before pulling you over.
Now...back to my point. People who go EXACTLY the speed limit are kinda frightening. How hard must they try to be so freakin PERFECT with their speed!! What does this say about their personality?...their morals and ethics?? I can't help but think that they are all neo-con nutjobs who have an insane need to follow the law PERFECTLY and don't care what others may be doing!! Traffic is rushing by them and they think, "if those damn people would do as they are told, we would not have such troubles!!"
Don't you think the world would be better off if people would just throw caution to the wind and speed a little??
I've written about baking, torture and gay marriage. The next obvious topic is speed limits

I am very suspicious of people who go the speed limit. I don't mean that they drive a little under...or a little over the speed limit. I mean the people that go EXACTLY the speed limit. For those who may read this from a country other than the US, we have speed limits here and our police will sometimes keep a watch for people who speed. They are not TOO crazy about it and will give you a little buffer before pulling you over.
Now...back to my point. People who go EXACTLY the speed limit are kinda frightening. How hard must they try to be so freakin PERFECT with their speed!! What does this say about their personality?...their morals and ethics?? I can't help but think that they are all neo-con nutjobs who have an insane need to follow the law PERFECTLY and don't care what others may be doing!! Traffic is rushing by them and they think, "if those damn people would do as they are told, we would not have such troubles!!"
Don't you think the world would be better off if people would just throw caution to the wind and speed a little??

I usually assume that people going the exact speed limit, particularly at night, are intoxicated, and frightened of getting pulled over.
Ahhhh...true true!! Perhaps a better explanation than their being crazed uber-conservatives