Casinos are weird.
Lost $70 yesterday
total net income from the casino
I need job
being 20 sucks skull
Happy Birthday! smile
Note to self:
Next time your friends are way past their drinking limit, run away, literally. They are too slow to catch you, and even if they were fast enough I would be less intoxicated. Running rules!
It would be the best idea, especially if your trying to salvage the night.

But then there's the whole thing of being a good/responsible friend.

Course, then there's option 3, where you hail a cab, throw the driver a twenty and your friend in the car; and tell the cabbie where to take him smile
HAHA! That's like totally hilarious!! OMFG.. honest.
Running does rule, unles you're a paraplegic.. i think i spelled that wrong. but you know what i meant right?
Haha, my brother is making fun of them..
that's so mean and I feel bad but sometimes I can't help myself.
I have deducted a sample smart test:
1) if your name is Clinton Hendry you automatically fail
2) if you own a mac you pass
3) if you are a Christopher Walken fan you pass
4) if you name is Jim Cramer you pass
5) if you seriouslly thought about purchasing a mac, but haven't because you can't afford one you pass
6) if we're...
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I'm starting to get the hang of this.
Playing my first show tomorrow,
technically Raideen the band will be playing their first show, and technically it's today being thursday.
I wish I could say I got people to come.
It will be held at the Great Hall in the SLC (student lfie center) at the University of Waterloo. It's free and we start at 8:45.
Oh shit, you're show is today isn't it??
Damnit, I'm so pissed I'm going to make my friends that go to UoW to come see you~
support that, bitches! hehe..

I consider us to be awesome friends..
I trust you and I tell you like.. EVERYTHING! and you're the best..
haha if I lived there, or you lived here.. or we lived closer I would force you to hang out with me on a daily basis. tongue