That thunderstorm the other day was amazing. Walter's sidewalk turned into a reservoir, and noone was home, so I threw on my white early 1900's-ish slip, a wife beater, and went and splashed to my heart's content. Until...
It started hailing. That kind of hurt. I came back inside, leaving little soggy footprints all the way to the shower. The power (and for some reason, the water) went out when I was in the shower, and the phone started ringing right as the power went out, so there I was dripping naked in the shower in the pitch dark with a creepy phone ringing. Needless to say, I did not answer it.
Well guys, I'm taking another set tomorrow. I know, I know, it's about time. I won't even give you a hint of what you're in store for, but it's going to blow the other sets away. Like bam.
Ok, I need to go pine now. I don't even have a clue what I'm in store for as far as that goes, but I can't be stopped. Ever.
It started hailing. That kind of hurt. I came back inside, leaving little soggy footprints all the way to the shower. The power (and for some reason, the water) went out when I was in the shower, and the phone started ringing right as the power went out, so there I was dripping naked in the shower in the pitch dark with a creepy phone ringing. Needless to say, I did not answer it.
Well guys, I'm taking another set tomorrow. I know, I know, it's about time. I won't even give you a hint of what you're in store for, but it's going to blow the other sets away. Like bam.
Ok, I need to go pine now. I don't even have a clue what I'm in store for as far as that goes, but I can't be stopped. Ever.


RAWK! new set on the way