Bitch fit over!!!
eating way better. may give up meat soon. not TOO soon though. Like most things(or everything) it'll happen when it happens. No more Coca Cola. This is after more than 20 years of drinkin' it. You know what? I feel a million times better. Very related to that post-workout good feeling. In other words "why didn't I do that long ago?" See above for answer. So that means no more caffine. That's my vote anyway. Fast food is down to 1% and falling fast. Don't want it no mo'. Not worth my time, money, or health. SEE YAH!
Yoga, damn. I know I'll feel a zillion times better. Maybe tonight. If I don't go to DaveUnderTheBed's to work on turning wheat into gold. "I DO DECLARE!"
Bills bills bills. Yeah yeah yeah, gotta get a job. I know. Still on a razor blade on that one. On one hand, a job in animation will pay. But the hours, stress, unpleasent atmosphere have had a very negative effect on my inspiration in that field. On the other, I could get off my ass and get a part time job at a photo lab or store while pursuing a more artistically rewarding photography career. But do I really wanna have a camera in my hand at the party? More thinking vs. doing issues there.
Or maybe a completely different path altogether. see above for answer.
Getting better at letting go and livin' the moment outside my mind.
Got a hell of alot of cleaning up to do. HAHA! Aryes isn't gonna like that. s'rry hun., it doesn't clean itself. See above for answer.
some birthday thanks before I get royaly fucked up! (two very important ingredients for a nutricious breakfast)
Figured so much out in the past year. Much lovin' goes out to so many.
In commercial-ese: Including, but not only -
MobProd for puttin' up, providing balance, and encouraging me to jump
miami for calling a spade a spade
Scopitone...hell I duuno why. You're fun to be around and you like the same stuff.
maxx for doing things I'm not even sure you know he's doing
cedar for knowing what she's doing
trihawk5417, dark jedi ninja powers.....but watch that a Buddist way
Voltaire...inner strength is a great thing and if you ever get kidnapped by a rogue group of super thieves for the work of art that you are, no worries. I'll get ya, AFlux style
Rae and midian cause you're like that
DaveUnderTheBed for reminding me that there still are things to animation that I enjoy
cattra for reminding me that there are times to embrace the more eccentric side of life....and sanity
bean and Shalome for bein' so cool together
drexel for being an older sister
rojo and cherrybomb00...
and more, but the laziness is setting in
margot_dent...wondertwins (schwing!) And for fuckin my shit up. James Brown, the plant, and I will never be the same. Thanx
Well lesse...eight days. According to the guidebook, I should be a grown up by now. Can't tell.
Look where the guidebook has gotten us so far.
eating way better. may give up meat soon. not TOO soon though. Like most things(or everything) it'll happen when it happens. No more Coca Cola. This is after more than 20 years of drinkin' it. You know what? I feel a million times better. Very related to that post-workout good feeling. In other words "why didn't I do that long ago?" See above for answer. So that means no more caffine. That's my vote anyway. Fast food is down to 1% and falling fast. Don't want it no mo'. Not worth my time, money, or health. SEE YAH!
Yoga, damn. I know I'll feel a zillion times better. Maybe tonight. If I don't go to DaveUnderTheBed's to work on turning wheat into gold. "I DO DECLARE!"
Bills bills bills. Yeah yeah yeah, gotta get a job. I know. Still on a razor blade on that one. On one hand, a job in animation will pay. But the hours, stress, unpleasent atmosphere have had a very negative effect on my inspiration in that field. On the other, I could get off my ass and get a part time job at a photo lab or store while pursuing a more artistically rewarding photography career. But do I really wanna have a camera in my hand at the party? More thinking vs. doing issues there.
Or maybe a completely different path altogether. see above for answer.
Getting better at letting go and livin' the moment outside my mind.
Got a hell of alot of cleaning up to do. HAHA! Aryes isn't gonna like that. s'rry hun., it doesn't clean itself. See above for answer.
some birthday thanks before I get royaly fucked up! (two very important ingredients for a nutricious breakfast)
Figured so much out in the past year. Much lovin' goes out to so many.
In commercial-ese: Including, but not only -
MobProd for puttin' up, providing balance, and encouraging me to jump
miami for calling a spade a spade
Scopitone...hell I duuno why. You're fun to be around and you like the same stuff.
maxx for doing things I'm not even sure you know he's doing
cedar for knowing what she's doing
trihawk5417, dark jedi ninja powers.....but watch that a Buddist way
Voltaire...inner strength is a great thing and if you ever get kidnapped by a rogue group of super thieves for the work of art that you are, no worries. I'll get ya, AFlux style
Rae and midian cause you're like that
DaveUnderTheBed for reminding me that there still are things to animation that I enjoy
cattra for reminding me that there are times to embrace the more eccentric side of life....and sanity
bean and Shalome for bein' so cool together
drexel for being an older sister
rojo and cherrybomb00...
and more, but the laziness is setting in
margot_dent...wondertwins (schwing!) And for fuckin my shit up. James Brown, the plant, and I will never be the same. Thanx
Well lesse...eight days. According to the guidebook, I should be a grown up by now. Can't tell.
Look where the guidebook has gotten us so far.

I'm trying to get over it as we speak.
Plus, I should get over it anyway.
And... yes. You know I am.