Glad this week is over. So i'm in sales at Dell. My team has been working on a 200k deal for a few months now and today we got word we lost it. Needless to say i was bummed out.

Getting everything in the house packed up over the next few weeks, finally buying a home. That means putting off fun stuff for a while...
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Turned 40 last month, signed a contract for a house on my birthday. First time home buyer! Only been 4 years since my last blog here. Bets on how long until the next one?? biggrin
Wow, i've been so busy lately. Working 12 hour days, and 6 days a week. Just havent had time to post thoughts, or just havent made time. I work for Dell, and i just interviewed for a promotion of sorts and got it! I'm so thrilled. Moving from home sales into business sales. Far greater potential over there for growth.

Bought a new camera, so...
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Thank you for your lovely comment on my new set!
thanks for the comment on my new set! kiss
First tattoo. Think i've narrowed down what i want to do. Been trying to get something as a memorial to my daughter, Carly. I want to do something with some roses, cherubs holding banners with her name and the date i lost her. Top of my left arm. In so many ways it will help me heal. It has been nearly 2 years, and it...
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My own blog....hmm. Something i should have done a long time ago. I've been a SG member for 2.5 years or so, and i have loved every minute of it. Been thinking hard about doing a blog for a while.

For a bit about me, i sell computers and Dell. Love love love my job. I get to talk to a lot of great people...
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Thank you for the flower. It's beautiful.