Thank you for the polite inquiries into whether I am still breathing. Yes, I am.
Life's rather a jumble of stuff right now, a mental, physical and emotional marathon if you will. I can see the finish line though. I hope someone's got a slice of orange, a glass of gatorade or, possibly, a puffin for me.
I promise you, dear, um, blog and dearer blog readers that I shall return to stringing words into sentences here in the very near future. First I have to see a junk removal truck about a fetid refrigerator, a cracked plastic armchair and a mouldering CPR doll (with detachable rubber faces!) -- oh and a whole bunch of other useless stuff which shall be dispatched forthwith to a landfill.
Freedom from Junk Tyranny!
Life's rather a jumble of stuff right now, a mental, physical and emotional marathon if you will. I can see the finish line though. I hope someone's got a slice of orange, a glass of gatorade or, possibly, a puffin for me.
I promise you, dear, um, blog and dearer blog readers that I shall return to stringing words into sentences here in the very near future. First I have to see a junk removal truck about a fetid refrigerator, a cracked plastic armchair and a mouldering CPR doll (with detachable rubber faces!) -- oh and a whole bunch of other useless stuff which shall be dispatched forthwith to a landfill.
Freedom from Junk Tyranny!

oh, and make sure your shoes are tied