Today I gave blood at a drive across the street from work.
The whole screening process led me to believe that I'm having a whole lot less fun than many: I answered no to almost every question. The questions I answered 'yes' to were mundane. Of course, Are you HIV positive? Or do you have Hepatitis? are questions I'm glad to have given a negative answer to.
I hadn't given blood in years. I felt surprised at how sensual the actual donating process was. Call me strange and twisted, but having someone stick a tube in my arm and attach me to a machine which would swish my blood about, then to lie there while my blood drained into a collecting bag excited me. Blood excites me by itself. Having it removed from me through a procedure gave me an additional thrill. Did I mention I have a small medical fetish?
I enjoyed watching them take my heavily labeled (branded!) unit of blood away and put it with the others. I had a strange feeling of pride at having produced something which was going to have a useful life of its own.

I wonder if the person who gets it will mind having the blood of a pervert.
The whole screening process led me to believe that I'm having a whole lot less fun than many: I answered no to almost every question. The questions I answered 'yes' to were mundane. Of course, Are you HIV positive? Or do you have Hepatitis? are questions I'm glad to have given a negative answer to.
I hadn't given blood in years. I felt surprised at how sensual the actual donating process was. Call me strange and twisted, but having someone stick a tube in my arm and attach me to a machine which would swish my blood about, then to lie there while my blood drained into a collecting bag excited me. Blood excites me by itself. Having it removed from me through a procedure gave me an additional thrill. Did I mention I have a small medical fetish?
I enjoyed watching them take my heavily labeled (branded!) unit of blood away and put it with the others. I had a strange feeling of pride at having produced something which was going to have a useful life of its own.

I wonder if the person who gets it will mind having the blood of a pervert.
I've often wondered who gets the blood I donate. It's a very intimate thing, don't you think?