I'm waaaaaaiting... waaaaaaaaaaaaiting for the Water Guy! Every few Saturdays I'm stuck in my apartment waiting for the dude to drop off my water bottles for my cooler. I always feel bad for the guy, hauling 19 litre bottles up three flights of stairs. Last time I tried to tip him, and he thought I was putting money on my account. I guess he rarely gets tips.
My sister called just now. My sister lives next door to an old folks' home. Once a year they have a party/open house for family, with a bbq, deejay and raucous music. Last year my sister called up, all perturbed that these wild and crazy seniors were disturbing her "cup of tea and Coronation Street." I laughed my ass off. Unfortunately this year the party is this weekend, the weekend my sister's on her final two days of preparation for defense of her master's thesis. She's trying to concentrate on her presentation, poor thing. All she can hear is whooping and hollering, and loud country music. I told her that somewhere God is chuckling.
Send her some good vibes please. She's working really hard on this.
I resurrected my Everquest account this week. They have new servers now called Progression servers, where they've taken the game back to the beginning, so you can play through hard mode again. It's certainly a blast from the past. I play it on "old" graphic models too. It's quite amusing. Oddly the retro progression servers are extremely popular. I managed to get back my 55 enchanter on the pvp server, and I'm looking forward to relearning her. It will be nice to spend some indoor winter time playing.
In other news, my first driving lesson is Tuesday morning. I've got a cute-sounding instructor named Oskar, with an accent I can't quite place. Hopefully he's not too distracting. Wish me luck!
My sister called just now. My sister lives next door to an old folks' home. Once a year they have a party/open house for family, with a bbq, deejay and raucous music. Last year my sister called up, all perturbed that these wild and crazy seniors were disturbing her "cup of tea and Coronation Street." I laughed my ass off. Unfortunately this year the party is this weekend, the weekend my sister's on her final two days of preparation for defense of her master's thesis. She's trying to concentrate on her presentation, poor thing. All she can hear is whooping and hollering, and loud country music. I told her that somewhere God is chuckling.

I resurrected my Everquest account this week. They have new servers now called Progression servers, where they've taken the game back to the beginning, so you can play through hard mode again. It's certainly a blast from the past. I play it on "old" graphic models too. It's quite amusing. Oddly the retro progression servers are extremely popular. I managed to get back my 55 enchanter on the pvp server, and I'm looking forward to relearning her. It will be nice to spend some indoor winter time playing.
In other news, my first driving lesson is Tuesday morning. I've got a cute-sounding instructor named Oskar, with an accent I can't quite place. Hopefully he's not too distracting. Wish me luck!

i'm so glad i live out of potential scratches and brushes
jm xoxox