well i am home now.
much fun with the Wii and much alchohol was consumed firday night with lolizzo, fuck, and agent_of_oblivion. well much Wii fun was had till oninotaki took his Wii to farmingotn hills
oh well we made due with some taco bell and Rocky 4
. I have to say 4 is my favorite as i am a big fan of the russian. 3 had clubber lang ( mr T) and mic died and apollo trained rocky. it is a better movie in terms of story and drama, but theres nothin like some good ole commie whoppin 80's cold war propaganda
i cruised up after gammin and dinner at logans with the guys to bay city and met soem freinds and hit soem bars. i think my buddy freds wife is tryin to set me up with one fo her coworkers. she is very attractive but we did not talk much as other coworkers were there and they were drunk and complaining about work. oh well we will see if amy does anything or says anythign to me in the next couple days. i was going to hang with the car club guys to but they all bailed as i was drivin over. granted it was like 1 am so i do nt blame them
oh and this is for adam for only he will understand
teagan ( fitzs cohort) got plane shifted by a prismatic spray from a prismatic dragons breath weapon and you missed it
ok thats enough geek for the day
peace out yall
much fun with the Wii and much alchohol was consumed firday night with lolizzo, fuck, and agent_of_oblivion. well much Wii fun was had till oninotaki took his Wii to farmingotn hills

oh well we made due with some taco bell and Rocky 4

i cruised up after gammin and dinner at logans with the guys to bay city and met soem freinds and hit soem bars. i think my buddy freds wife is tryin to set me up with one fo her coworkers. she is very attractive but we did not talk much as other coworkers were there and they were drunk and complaining about work. oh well we will see if amy does anything or says anythign to me in the next couple days. i was going to hang with the car club guys to but they all bailed as i was drivin over. granted it was like 1 am so i do nt blame them
oh and this is for adam for only he will understand
teagan ( fitzs cohort) got plane shifted by a prismatic spray from a prismatic dragons breath weapon and you missed it

ok thats enough geek for the day
peace out yall

yeah i said it.
i'm pro now