Well im well and truly adjusted back to all things England . Its so strange when your away to have absolutely no concept of time , to not have to worry about any of that . The whole time I was away I pretty much had no idea what day it was or what date it was .. or the time for that matter , I just ate when I was hungry .. at mostly silly times seeing as my body was so out of sync with everything . It just got me a bit sad routine - I get up at the same time near enough every day , sit in the same carriage of the train every day , see the same people every day , do the same thing every day . Made me realise the value of a holiday for the soul , to not be governed by anything for a period of time .. its very refreshing to just do whatever the hell you want for a while.
*It was a year ago yesterday I lost my gran to cancer , its gone so quick and I still really miss her , barring my immediate family she was the one I was closest too in my family.
*I went to see Snow Patrol the other night , they were pretty good but I must be getting old because I just wanted to sit down the whole time , and the crowds and smoke really got on my nerves . I wish there was a way you could know in advance what sort of a mood your going to be in when you go to a gig . Theres nothing quite like getting wasted and leaping about like a loon to something loud and heavy .. but sometimes I feel like a real old git who just wants to sit there with a cup of tea ..would be nice to know in advance.
*I have given no thought whatsoever to christmas , I can see myself in the shop in the petrol station on christmas eve and people ending up with some coal brickquettes , lighter fluid , a pot noodle and a copy of 'shaven havens'. Suppose I should think about it really .
*The Seinfeld dvd boxset is continually getting me giggling away . Last night George being mistaken for a Nazi leader and pretty much anything Kramer does.
*I have a headache.
*Current listening pleasures - U2 / How to dismantle an atomic bomb , Ramones / Greatest hits , Lords Of Acid / Greatest tits , Vast / Nude , Collateral / Soundtrack , Eminem/ Encore , Siouxsie and The Banshees / Downside Up
Thats about it from me , heres a few more pictures from my travels to sign off with.
Sampling one of the most disgusting drinks in the world
Some blokes artwork at Venice Beach
Needs no explanation really
Little sis and I

*It was a year ago yesterday I lost my gran to cancer , its gone so quick and I still really miss her , barring my immediate family she was the one I was closest too in my family.

*I went to see Snow Patrol the other night , they were pretty good but I must be getting old because I just wanted to sit down the whole time , and the crowds and smoke really got on my nerves . I wish there was a way you could know in advance what sort of a mood your going to be in when you go to a gig . Theres nothing quite like getting wasted and leaping about like a loon to something loud and heavy .. but sometimes I feel like a real old git who just wants to sit there with a cup of tea ..would be nice to know in advance.
*I have given no thought whatsoever to christmas , I can see myself in the shop in the petrol station on christmas eve and people ending up with some coal brickquettes , lighter fluid , a pot noodle and a copy of 'shaven havens'. Suppose I should think about it really .

*The Seinfeld dvd boxset is continually getting me giggling away . Last night George being mistaken for a Nazi leader and pretty much anything Kramer does.
*I have a headache.
*Current listening pleasures - U2 / How to dismantle an atomic bomb , Ramones / Greatest hits , Lords Of Acid / Greatest tits , Vast / Nude , Collateral / Soundtrack , Eminem/ Encore , Siouxsie and The Banshees / Downside Up
Thats about it from me , heres a few more pictures from my travels to sign off with.
Sampling one of the most disgusting drinks in the world

Some blokes artwork at Venice Beach

Needs no explanation really

Little sis and I

Dude, you sound just like me, wanting to sit down at gigs. And the smoke...yuck!
Don't think we have talked! Helloooo!
I didn't see my grandfather much over the last few years, he got too ill to visit, and I was too busy with school, etc, to make most of the trips up to Holland from France to see him.
I'm jealous, I want to go see Green Day! I'd be lame, though, usually end up sitting on the ground, waiting and stuff. Went to a festival in June and spent a lot of the time sitting on the ground. Ok, so I had bronchitis, but still...