*Just got my ticket for REM at Hyde Park next july as they were on sale early
.. going to drag myself up early tommorow and try and get some for the Hammersmith Apollo one in February . I can't wait to see those guys again , I saw them twice last year and they were amazing .
... my poor poor credit card .
*Im signed up at the college down the road to begin a creative writing course next week
. Theres something about where I work , the crippling dullness perhaps that has also inspired 3 other people to have a go at something and get there brain going. But yeah im really looking forward to getting started on that.
*Im on a bit of a creative roll at the moment , im filling my notebooks with songs , ideas , poems .. lines I think are cool . Its exciting I think ... and im grateful for having a cheerleader in one of my friends who gives me a bit of a kick when I get lazy , she doesn't hesitate in calling me up and asking what reason I have for sitting on my arse when I could be attempting to create something . Its appreciated
*Its all change at work next week , they've moved me from my secluded spot ... no more writing journal entries at work
... and the cockney gestarpo are taking over . I've mentioned Tracey before and now her little midget cousin Sharon is going to be my new boss ... *tries to contain his enthusiasm at the thought of it* . So take pity on me , im losing all my skiving time and i'll be being bellowed at by a five foot mouthy cockney dwarf.
*Had two leaving do's this week so my livers been taking a bit of a pounding ... along with the family pub meal night out last night ... where I got quite tipsy and given grief by the family for fancying the rather gorgeous barmaid ...then me and my sister ended up making off with the sign for our road ... childish fun ... other stuff probably happened but I don't really remember.
*Saw a fine film this week .. 'dodgeball' which was so stupidly funny I couldn't really stop smiling ... anyone whose seen it will know the appearance from the Hoff is pure brilliance
*Kate and myself had another film night tonight , watched 'about schmidt' which I rather liked .. kinda sad though .
*Not much in the way of plans this weekend , I think im going to give the sg meet a miss tommorow as im totally shattered .. I haven't really stopped for about a week now , I think I need a bit of time to myself ... shall hopefully get some more writing done and maybe take myself off to see 'collateral' .
Anyway bedwards I head now . Night folks.
[Todays Playlist - Semisonic / Chemistry , Singing In My Sleep , Closing Time]

*Just got my ticket for REM at Hyde Park next july as they were on sale early

*Im signed up at the college down the road to begin a creative writing course next week

*Im on a bit of a creative roll at the moment , im filling my notebooks with songs , ideas , poems .. lines I think are cool . Its exciting I think ... and im grateful for having a cheerleader in one of my friends who gives me a bit of a kick when I get lazy , she doesn't hesitate in calling me up and asking what reason I have for sitting on my arse when I could be attempting to create something . Its appreciated

*Its all change at work next week , they've moved me from my secluded spot ... no more writing journal entries at work

*Had two leaving do's this week so my livers been taking a bit of a pounding ... along with the family pub meal night out last night ... where I got quite tipsy and given grief by the family for fancying the rather gorgeous barmaid ...then me and my sister ended up making off with the sign for our road ... childish fun ... other stuff probably happened but I don't really remember.
*Saw a fine film this week .. 'dodgeball' which was so stupidly funny I couldn't really stop smiling ... anyone whose seen it will know the appearance from the Hoff is pure brilliance

*Kate and myself had another film night tonight , watched 'about schmidt' which I rather liked .. kinda sad though .
*Not much in the way of plans this weekend , I think im going to give the sg meet a miss tommorow as im totally shattered .. I haven't really stopped for about a week now , I think I need a bit of time to myself ... shall hopefully get some more writing done and maybe take myself off to see 'collateral' .
Anyway bedwards I head now . Night folks.
[Todays Playlist - Semisonic / Chemistry , Singing In My Sleep , Closing Time]
question: what's your favorite irs album for rem? for me, without a shadow of a doubt, it's got to be reckoning. they'd come so far in two albums!
some wear on i-tunes is smaples off the new R.E.M album
just so you know