* Been to see 'the day after tommorow' tonight , your good old fashioned hollywood bollocks really but enjoyable all the same. It had a bit more humour to it than most of these things and wasn't nearly so flag wavingly patriotic .
* Im going to California on november 14th
. Flying into LA and going to be staying in Las Vegas . Im going to be going with the family which should be interesting as we haven't done a family trip in donkeys years ... but I can't wait , it should be absolutely amazing
. I have been wanting to go for years and years now.
* Little Wonder by David Bowie really is a truly terrible song.
* After saturdays SG meet shenanigans I shall be spending the rest of the bank holiday weekend with my ex . Don't know if I should be worried or not as I haven't seen her since we split up , but I think it should be fun . We can still babble away about meaningless shite on the phone and on the net like we always did .. but I guess we shall see won't we
. Going to do stuff up town , mosey about , go see Harry Potter and whatnot .
What does everyone else have lined up for the extended weekend?
But as for me that about does it . Night all im going to retire to my bed.
[Todays Playlist - Snoop Doggy Dogg / Snoopfella , 2Pac / California Love , Warren G / Regulate]
*cruises round the streets of the chessington crib in one of those bouncy cars with his honeyz*
* Been to see 'the day after tommorow' tonight , your good old fashioned hollywood bollocks really but enjoyable all the same. It had a bit more humour to it than most of these things and wasn't nearly so flag wavingly patriotic .
* Im going to California on november 14th

* Little Wonder by David Bowie really is a truly terrible song.
* After saturdays SG meet shenanigans I shall be spending the rest of the bank holiday weekend with my ex . Don't know if I should be worried or not as I haven't seen her since we split up , but I think it should be fun . We can still babble away about meaningless shite on the phone and on the net like we always did .. but I guess we shall see won't we

What does everyone else have lined up for the extended weekend?
But as for me that about does it . Night all im going to retire to my bed.
[Todays Playlist - Snoop Doggy Dogg / Snoopfella , 2Pac / California Love , Warren G / Regulate]
*cruises round the streets of the chessington crib in one of those bouncy cars with his honeyz*

Nice to finally talk to you! To be honest, you are taller than I remember! Weird! All the same, you are a great guy. See you soon hopefully! 

tomorrow i'm calling the dudes in america to find out how to use this ticket; if its alright can i have your surname and an address, i might not need the address so you could leave that if you dont want me to know it etc. hopefully this'll all work out
hope youre cool