"I Want , I want"
I don't really have anything to say , so for no other reason than im bored at
work heres a big list of random stuff I want
. Well I suppose if you want a
reason its me birthday next week
*One of those meatball and cheese sandwiches you get in subway.
*To be an Italian American mafia stereotype for the day and get to walk around
looking shady and having spaghetti dinners with martin scorseses mum.
*A ring tailed lemur.
*A golden lion tamarin.
*Silk Pyjamas with my initials on the pocket.
*A flux capacitor
*A proton accelerator
*To patent suicide girls top trumps.
*To have Kelly Jones captured and buried alive.
*To have a list of anyone whose even remotely interested in me , as unless its
glaringly obvious im usually completely oblivious to the fact.
*An old 1940's style pin stripe suit.
*A delorean , complete with my very own mad scientist to hang about and perform outlandish experiments with.
*To give tony blair and ken livingstone a clip round the ear and shout "oi no".
* To actually know what a prime number is.
* One of those lawnmowers that Forest Gump has to ride about on.
* A little bit of self discipline and not give up on so many things that I start
if they get to hard ..actually pick up that guitar that's been in the spare room
for a year now.
*To visit Japan , Australia , Thailand and everywhere I can in the US .. amongst
other places.
* To actually do something to be remembered by when I die.
* A white tiger.
*To have a bit of self confidence and stop being so pathetically shy.
* To learn how to cook more than just pasta and things I can put under the grill
or in the microwave.
*To get trent reznor to actually do something with the aid of an electric cattle prod.
*To attempt to set up a chav rehab programme , and introduce them to such things
as books and real human interaction ... and if that fails go for the clockwork
orange treatment.
*To have burberry outlawed.
*To have as many weapons as humanely possible outlawed.
*To have Capital radio shutdown.
*To have football outlawed and make all these 10 000 a minute earning players
get a job in budgens or something and see how they like it.
*To make some changes at the 5 major TV channels so such an amazing means of
entertaining , informing and actually making people think isn't wasted on such
god awful mind numbing crap as it is now.
*Stop keep telling people I want to write a book or a film and actually get my
arse moving and get some of my ideas on to paper.
* A dolphin , a manta ray and some sort of shark.
*To not have to shave.
*To go travelling with michael palin on one of his adventures.
* To have a new job by the end of the year hopefully.
*The old fashioned romantic dream of falling in love with a lovely girl and live
happily ever after.
[Todays Playlist - Aerosmith / Falling In Love (Is Hard On The Knees) , Lords Of Acid / I Must Increase My Bust , Motley Crue/ Hooligans Holiday]
I don't really have anything to say , so for no other reason than im bored at
work heres a big list of random stuff I want

reason its me birthday next week

*One of those meatball and cheese sandwiches you get in subway.
*To be an Italian American mafia stereotype for the day and get to walk around
looking shady and having spaghetti dinners with martin scorseses mum.
*A ring tailed lemur.
*A golden lion tamarin.
*Silk Pyjamas with my initials on the pocket.
*A flux capacitor
*A proton accelerator
*To patent suicide girls top trumps.
*To have Kelly Jones captured and buried alive.
*To have a list of anyone whose even remotely interested in me , as unless its
glaringly obvious im usually completely oblivious to the fact.
*An old 1940's style pin stripe suit.
*A delorean , complete with my very own mad scientist to hang about and perform outlandish experiments with.
*To give tony blair and ken livingstone a clip round the ear and shout "oi no".
* To actually know what a prime number is.
* One of those lawnmowers that Forest Gump has to ride about on.
* A little bit of self discipline and not give up on so many things that I start
if they get to hard ..actually pick up that guitar that's been in the spare room
for a year now.
*To visit Japan , Australia , Thailand and everywhere I can in the US .. amongst
other places.
* To actually do something to be remembered by when I die.
* A white tiger.
*To have a bit of self confidence and stop being so pathetically shy.
* To learn how to cook more than just pasta and things I can put under the grill
or in the microwave.
*To get trent reznor to actually do something with the aid of an electric cattle prod.
*To attempt to set up a chav rehab programme , and introduce them to such things
as books and real human interaction ... and if that fails go for the clockwork
orange treatment.
*To have burberry outlawed.
*To have as many weapons as humanely possible outlawed.
*To have Capital radio shutdown.
*To have football outlawed and make all these 10 000 a minute earning players
get a job in budgens or something and see how they like it.
*To make some changes at the 5 major TV channels so such an amazing means of
entertaining , informing and actually making people think isn't wasted on such
god awful mind numbing crap as it is now.
*Stop keep telling people I want to write a book or a film and actually get my
arse moving and get some of my ideas on to paper.
* A dolphin , a manta ray and some sort of shark.
*To not have to shave.
*To go travelling with michael palin on one of his adventures.
* To have a new job by the end of the year hopefully.
*The old fashioned romantic dream of falling in love with a lovely girl and live
happily ever after.
[Todays Playlist - Aerosmith / Falling In Love (Is Hard On The Knees) , Lords Of Acid / I Must Increase My Bust , Motley Crue/ Hooligans Holiday]
that's a fucking long list dear, some good points there, though you might need to ask santa for help, if anyone can do it, he's the one

just to let you know i'm meeting coiln and tilly at six at covent garden tube station just outside the exit!, juist incase ya want to know and all that jazz