Grrrrrrr when is that fucking smells like teen spirit video going to go away , every bloody music channel , every time I turn it on its that grinning old caretaker git and the cheerleaders . Im tired of hearing about Nirvana and how much of a legend Kurt Cobain was .. ok we get it , they were an influential band and they released some good stuff but enough already . If the guy hadnt blown his head off no one would care , and how many times can NME , Q , Uncut and such do a Nirvana special ? . What more can there possibly be to say ? . I wish people would just give it a rest and we can appreciate them for what they were and nothing more , and I might actually want to listen to my cds again if the band werent rammed down my throat every 5 minutes.
Ok rant over now
Heres the news from Barryland :
Im not well at the moment and im taking a few days off work at the moment to rest up . I have this horrible cold , hacking cough and fever thing going on . Its not much fun .
I should be alright for the weekend I hope as its a meet on Saturday and the Gin Panic gig on Sunday . I also finally found a cinema where Capturing The Friedmans is playing (Trocadero) , so I think I might go see that before I mosey down to the pub on Saturday.
Got Kill Bill Volume 2 tickets booked for opening day.
I spent much of the day yesterday chatting to people online , watching Family Guy DVDs and taking a stroll out in the sunshine eating ice cream to clear my head . Twas rather nice actually
All being well should be going to the Lichenstein exhibition next week , quite looking forward to seeing that.
This Beckham business has made me stop buying newspapers now as well as giving up TV. Go away you stupid insignificant dregs , nobody gives a crap .
[Todays Playlist Joss Stone / The Soul Sessions , Franz Ferdinand/ Franz Ferdinand]

Ok rant over now
Heres the news from Barryland :
Im not well at the moment and im taking a few days off work at the moment to rest up . I have this horrible cold , hacking cough and fever thing going on . Its not much fun .
I should be alright for the weekend I hope as its a meet on Saturday and the Gin Panic gig on Sunday . I also finally found a cinema where Capturing The Friedmans is playing (Trocadero) , so I think I might go see that before I mosey down to the pub on Saturday.
Got Kill Bill Volume 2 tickets booked for opening day.
I spent much of the day yesterday chatting to people online , watching Family Guy DVDs and taking a stroll out in the sunshine eating ice cream to clear my head . Twas rather nice actually

All being well should be going to the Lichenstein exhibition next week , quite looking forward to seeing that.

This Beckham business has made me stop buying newspapers now as well as giving up TV. Go away you stupid insignificant dregs , nobody gives a crap .
[Todays Playlist Joss Stone / The Soul Sessions , Franz Ferdinand/ Franz Ferdinand]
Beckhams must die, being condemned to a life in the public eye is too good for them.
Glad I'm not the oly one who walks when ill, can't help feeling guilty doing it though, feel like I should be immobile or leaking fluids everywhere to justify a day off sick.
Remember seeing some Lichenstein years ago at a Pop Art exhibition and being slightly surprised at the scale of some of his work. Enjoy it.
just think of it this way, Nirvana is definitely better shoved down your throat than someone like Britney Spears.
So I'm thinking of joining the army and start selling drugs. It sounds like a good idea.