Well what a good day yesterday was , I think it was probably the best meet so far
, and I also didn't have to come straight from work so I wasn't completly shattered for once .
I chatted to lots of new people who were all great folks .. can't be bothered going into great detail as I only got 3 hours sleep and im not quite with it yet . Shaun Of The Dead was stupidly entertaining , I enjoyed that alot. But Creamy's pictures are up already , they say it all really.
Made my way back with Kate and chatted to stupid drunk people on the bus , then had a nice leisurely stroll home looking forward to some rest .
Got in to find my sister having a party with all her friends here , people passed out and vomitting all over the floor , Kurt and Courtney sitting outside my folks room
, crap all over the floor . Now I don't object to her having a party ..as long as I can escape and get some rest I don't give a monkeys . I do however object to her friend Pip ..who has a thing for me , hammering on my door ..pissed out of her skull trying to get in to my room at 3am , shouting that she loves me
. I wasn't best pleased , I just want to be left alone
So this morning I arose after about 3 hours sleep after she had gone . Now im sat here feeling like crap , im wearing my glasses today as I don't feel like having the effort of straining my eyes.
Im going out to a horrible pikey pub tonight as I promised my friend Claire I wouldn't back out of one of our college friends birthdays and leave her on her own . Can't say as im in the mood for that today .. but I think im going to go spend the rest of the day at the cinema .. yeah that sounds like a good idea .
Take care everyone
[Todays Playlist - Franz Ferdinand / The Dark Of The Matinee , The Cure/ Inbetween Days , David Bowie/Heroes]
I just ordered this

I chatted to lots of new people who were all great folks .. can't be bothered going into great detail as I only got 3 hours sleep and im not quite with it yet . Shaun Of The Dead was stupidly entertaining , I enjoyed that alot. But Creamy's pictures are up already , they say it all really.
Made my way back with Kate and chatted to stupid drunk people on the bus , then had a nice leisurely stroll home looking forward to some rest .
Got in to find my sister having a party with all her friends here , people passed out and vomitting all over the floor , Kurt and Courtney sitting outside my folks room

So this morning I arose after about 3 hours sleep after she had gone . Now im sat here feeling like crap , im wearing my glasses today as I don't feel like having the effort of straining my eyes.
Im going out to a horrible pikey pub tonight as I promised my friend Claire I wouldn't back out of one of our college friends birthdays and leave her on her own . Can't say as im in the mood for that today .. but I think im going to go spend the rest of the day at the cinema .. yeah that sounds like a good idea .
Take care everyone

[Todays Playlist - Franz Ferdinand / The Dark Of The Matinee , The Cure/ Inbetween Days , David Bowie/Heroes]
I just ordered this

you where glasses and have hair like jesus, it go's without saying heh