Here are the goings on in the wonderful world of barry :
* As you may have noticed by the oversized novelty picture of my ugly mug that made up the last entry , I got me a digital camera . I have been poncing about and experimenting , once I got it all sussed out i'll be taking it out and about . My main thinking was for my upcoming holiday , but as I don't have the embarassment of taking and picking a film up from boots .. god only knows what sort of pictures i'll end up taking .
* Im going to see 'The Passion Of The Christ' with my good buddy Danny at the weekend . I am quite looking forward to making my own mind up on it , I know its not going to be an easy watch though .. I already had a friend tell me that it was the hardest thing she ever had to watch.
* I think work is destroying my eye sight
, I keep getting such sore and itchy eyes from looking at the stupid database ..and my right eye keeps jittering for some reason .. its not good . I also notice that im one of a few who don't wear glasses there. Apart from that its the usual soul sapping tedium there.
* Im almost done with the bruce campbell book now ( in case you wondered kate
) , its so easy to read and I just love the guys self depreciating wit . Theres another book that sounds similar , a B movie actors perspective on the madness of the Hollywood machine , its by jamie kennedy from 'Scream' . I may have to get that for my next read , im kind of curious to read the book 'Prozac Nation' as well .
Books are the new television in my eyes , I remember coming home from school and switching it on pretty much till I went to bed . Now I just find tv really insulting , barring a few shows (most of which have been axed now) . It appears to be designed to cater for the lowest common denominator , The Sun readers out there . Or maybe im just getting fussy and its the same as it always has been.
* And I got bored of my profile piccy and had a reshuffle of my fave SG's ...and why not.
Well im going to pootle off up the wooden hill to bedfordshire , shall see some of you tommorow
[Todays Playlist - Bruce Springsteen and The E Street Band / Glory Days , Secret Garden , Born In The USA]
* As you may have noticed by the oversized novelty picture of my ugly mug that made up the last entry , I got me a digital camera . I have been poncing about and experimenting , once I got it all sussed out i'll be taking it out and about . My main thinking was for my upcoming holiday , but as I don't have the embarassment of taking and picking a film up from boots .. god only knows what sort of pictures i'll end up taking .

* Im going to see 'The Passion Of The Christ' with my good buddy Danny at the weekend . I am quite looking forward to making my own mind up on it , I know its not going to be an easy watch though .. I already had a friend tell me that it was the hardest thing she ever had to watch.
* I think work is destroying my eye sight

* Im almost done with the bruce campbell book now ( in case you wondered kate

Books are the new television in my eyes , I remember coming home from school and switching it on pretty much till I went to bed . Now I just find tv really insulting , barring a few shows (most of which have been axed now) . It appears to be designed to cater for the lowest common denominator , The Sun readers out there . Or maybe im just getting fussy and its the same as it always has been.
* And I got bored of my profile piccy and had a reshuffle of my fave SG's ...and why not.

Well im going to pootle off up the wooden hill to bedfordshire , shall see some of you tommorow

[Todays Playlist - Bruce Springsteen and The E Street Band / Glory Days , Secret Garden , Born In The USA]
yer same here witht eh tely i remember a few years back i sat with the telly form about 5 till 11 arrgh