God its bloody quiet on here today , has everyone gone somewhere and not told me ?
..SG UK outing to diggerland or something.
Anyway as im a tad bored and I haven't done one in years here is one of those lovely survey things..who knows you may learn something amazing about me
1. What is your middle name? James
2. What colour pants are you wearing? I am assuming this is an english quiz .. I am wearing grey boxers.
3. What are you listening to right now? 'Dig For Fire' by the magnificent Pixies.
4. What are the last four digits of your phone number? 9318
5. What was the last thing you ate? A whole tin of macaroni cheese and some choccys.
6. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? black or red.
7. Where do you plan to go on your honeymoon? I'd like a little cabin up in the mountains somewhere , total seclusion and privacy.
8. How is the weather right now? Nasty and windy.
9. Last person you talked to on the phone? Dave.
10. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? eyes and smile.
11. How are you today? Not to bad I guess.
12. Your favourite drinks? coffee , tea , red bull.
13. Your favourite alcoholic drinks? jack daniels and coke is my drink.
14. Who do you admire? Anyone who has the courage to be who they want to be and not just fit in with how society says they should be ...oh and Bob Smith.
15. Favourite sports or activities to play? About as sporty as I get is that table hockey thing , I can't even play pool.
16. Who do you love most in your life? family and friends.
17. Hair colour? Take a look at the picture to your left.
18. What do you find annoying in a person? arrogance , gossipyness , spitefulness and intolerance of others - racism , sexism , homophobia etc.
19. Siblings and their ages? Little sis Elaine - 19
20. Favourite month? may or december
21. Fave food? a big bowl of carbonara pasta ...or most other pasta related things
22.Last movie you've watched? Starsky and Hutch ..which I actually really liked.
23. Favourite date of the year? chrimbo day.
24. Are you too shy to ask someone out? yep
25. Summer or Winter? winter..seeing as I can't say spring
26. Where do you see yourself next year? well I hopefully will be in a job I like and have found a friend who wants to get a place with me.
27. Relationship or one night stands? relationship
28. First gig you went to ? My first non festival gig was Marilyn Manson in jan 2001 ...late starter.
30. What was the last gig you went to? funnily enough Manson again on his last tour.
31. Living Arrangements? dad, mum, elaine , myself and the moggys
32. What book you reading? Bruce Campbells autobiography.
33. Whats on your mouse pad? a map of the world and the tiny computers logo.
34. Favourite board game? monopoly
35. Favourite Magazine? empire
36. Favourite Smells? freshly brewed coffee, boots aftershave moisturiser , buttered toast.
40. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the
morning? Shutting that damn alarm clock up... I need some coffee or I need to take a leak.
41. Favourite colour? black or red.
42. How many rings before you answer the phone? don't usually answer the phone unless I know its for me then I pick up straight away.
43. Future childs name? girl - holly , zoe , grace ..boy - michael or morgan
44. Do you think the glass is half empty or half full? depends on my mood.
45. Favourite movies? Look at me profile.
46. Most life altering moment? As horrible as it was getting mugged and beaten up has made me see alot of things differently.
47. What's under your bed? drawers, shoes and a box of old magazines.
48. What is your favourite number? Who has a favourite number?
49 .What record/cd you got in your stereo/on ur decks? Rancid , Motley Crue , The Cure , Rob Zombie , HIM and Gin Panic
50 Favourite TV Shows of all time? there helpfully listed for you in my profile.
51 Favourite Catchphrase? fair enough

Anyway as im a tad bored and I haven't done one in years here is one of those lovely survey things..who knows you may learn something amazing about me

1. What is your middle name? James
2. What colour pants are you wearing? I am assuming this is an english quiz .. I am wearing grey boxers.
3. What are you listening to right now? 'Dig For Fire' by the magnificent Pixies.
4. What are the last four digits of your phone number? 9318
5. What was the last thing you ate? A whole tin of macaroni cheese and some choccys.
6. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? black or red.
7. Where do you plan to go on your honeymoon? I'd like a little cabin up in the mountains somewhere , total seclusion and privacy.
8. How is the weather right now? Nasty and windy.
9. Last person you talked to on the phone? Dave.
10. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? eyes and smile.
11. How are you today? Not to bad I guess.
12. Your favourite drinks? coffee , tea , red bull.
13. Your favourite alcoholic drinks? jack daniels and coke is my drink.
14. Who do you admire? Anyone who has the courage to be who they want to be and not just fit in with how society says they should be ...oh and Bob Smith.
15. Favourite sports or activities to play? About as sporty as I get is that table hockey thing , I can't even play pool.
16. Who do you love most in your life? family and friends.
17. Hair colour? Take a look at the picture to your left.
18. What do you find annoying in a person? arrogance , gossipyness , spitefulness and intolerance of others - racism , sexism , homophobia etc.
19. Siblings and their ages? Little sis Elaine - 19
20. Favourite month? may or december
21. Fave food? a big bowl of carbonara pasta ...or most other pasta related things
22.Last movie you've watched? Starsky and Hutch ..which I actually really liked.
23. Favourite date of the year? chrimbo day.
24. Are you too shy to ask someone out? yep

25. Summer or Winter? winter..seeing as I can't say spring
26. Where do you see yourself next year? well I hopefully will be in a job I like and have found a friend who wants to get a place with me.
27. Relationship or one night stands? relationship
28. First gig you went to ? My first non festival gig was Marilyn Manson in jan 2001 ...late starter.
30. What was the last gig you went to? funnily enough Manson again on his last tour.
31. Living Arrangements? dad, mum, elaine , myself and the moggys
32. What book you reading? Bruce Campbells autobiography.
33. Whats on your mouse pad? a map of the world and the tiny computers logo.
34. Favourite board game? monopoly
35. Favourite Magazine? empire
36. Favourite Smells? freshly brewed coffee, boots aftershave moisturiser , buttered toast.
40. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the
morning? Shutting that damn alarm clock up... I need some coffee or I need to take a leak.
41. Favourite colour? black or red.
42. How many rings before you answer the phone? don't usually answer the phone unless I know its for me then I pick up straight away.
43. Future childs name? girl - holly , zoe , grace ..boy - michael or morgan
44. Do you think the glass is half empty or half full? depends on my mood.
45. Favourite movies? Look at me profile.
46. Most life altering moment? As horrible as it was getting mugged and beaten up has made me see alot of things differently.
47. What's under your bed? drawers, shoes and a box of old magazines.
48. What is your favourite number? Who has a favourite number?
49 .What record/cd you got in your stereo/on ur decks? Rancid , Motley Crue , The Cure , Rob Zombie , HIM and Gin Panic

50 Favourite TV Shows of all time? there helpfully listed for you in my profile.
51 Favourite Catchphrase? fair enough
Also, Where exactly is Diggerland?
9) Dad
15) F1..Meep meep!
33) black felt and a wrist support coz I'm here too long