Here is the news from Barryland:
*Im off to see one of my favourite comedians Jack Dee next month as he (for some strange reason) has chosen to start his new tour just down the road from us
. I've seen him before and my cheeks were aching from laughing so hard ... its just my kind of humour ..dry , sarcastic observational comedy.
*One of my cats is not well
..she isn't eating which is very rare and is shuffling about like a little lost sheep giving us funny looks.
*It really fucking pisses me off when people don't bother to reply to texts ..especially with this one person
. I tried .. but I think im just going to give up now . *sigh*
* I saw two really good films yesterday which I can recomend . 'City By The Sea' a film which regained my faith in Bobby DeNiro after one too many crappy comedies . Apart from a slightly rushed ending I really enjoyed it . The other is 'the rules of attraction' ..don't let the presence of james van der beek put you off .. very cool , very sexy and starts with the cure on the soundtrack .. what more could you want.
*I want summer .. I need to feel warm for a change
. The heating broke at work today and we all had to fight over one crappy little heater so we could keep our fingers warm enough to be able to type.
* I love the new ash song
.. well i've liked most of there stuff , but when did they get so heavy ?
*I look forward to the meet on friday , a piss up is just what I usually feel like after a week doing the governments dirty work.
Anyway thats it from me *disappears back into the shadows where he came from*
[Todays Playlist - Ash /Clones , David Bowie / Lets Dance , Skinny Puppy/ Tainted Love]
*Im off to see one of my favourite comedians Jack Dee next month as he (for some strange reason) has chosen to start his new tour just down the road from us

*One of my cats is not well

*It really fucking pisses me off when people don't bother to reply to texts ..especially with this one person

* I saw two really good films yesterday which I can recomend . 'City By The Sea' a film which regained my faith in Bobby DeNiro after one too many crappy comedies . Apart from a slightly rushed ending I really enjoyed it . The other is 'the rules of attraction' ..don't let the presence of james van der beek put you off .. very cool , very sexy and starts with the cure on the soundtrack .. what more could you want.
*I want summer .. I need to feel warm for a change

* I love the new ash song

*I look forward to the meet on friday , a piss up is just what I usually feel like after a week doing the governments dirty work.

Anyway thats it from me *disappears back into the shadows where he came from*
[Todays Playlist - Ash /Clones , David Bowie / Lets Dance , Skinny Puppy/ Tainted Love]
BUT danny has promised ot buy me a drink, and you have, and maybe kerrie will and maybe various members will if i flutter my eyelids enough!
so yeah, ill come cool to see the elusive dave!