If all else fails and your bored out of your skull at work why not do a journal
entry . As we only have email and not actual real internet here I have to email
this to myself and paste it in .
They have a stupid filter on everything here so even if I could access the
internet , if I looked at SG I would probably cause a government meltdown . This
is what becomes of you when you work in a stupid *insert expletive here* little
government office .
I read in the independent today (the only Jordan free newspaper that I could
find) that the government are thinking of putting tax on such things as burgers
as chocolates so we can all be trim and in shape . What a complete joke , its
our god given right to eat what we want to eat , smoke , drink ..whatever
..without being conditioned by ever increasing price hikes to look and act how
they want us too . Whatever happened to rights and freedom ? we are all aware of
the dangers of these things , we're not as stupid as they think we are ..if we
have these vices and we want to 'poison' our bodies then we should be allowed
So many things that Orwell wrote about in his books over fifty years ago our
coming true , it won't be too long before the thought police makes the jump from
fiction to reality . It just makes me so tired that in the 21st century we're
all still essentially just another mind plugged into the matrix , if I wasn't so
weak and didn't love all my little creature comforts so much I would move away
from society , live in the mountains growing beans or something with no pressure
I should be careful as "they" could be monitoring this and I could get the
cuckoos nest treatment and end up laying there with my eyes glazed over and
being smothered by a big native American fellow.
Im in a real anti establishment mood today , I feel like raising hell , being a
crow left of the murder (love that title) , playing something extremely loud and
putting my foot through several of the computers surrounding me .. but alas I
won't I will sit here and keep my head down and keep typing this so people will
think that im working.
Anyway today has consisted of filing , shuffling about , pretending to be busy
even though I have no work , going to the kitchen every five minutes to break up
the boredom with tea and hot cross buns , taking a super long lunch which I
spent poncing about in the 1950's hats and outfits shop down the road .. and
reading my book.
That has been my day and I have another hour and a half yet until I can get to
go home so I think i'll go make me some tea .
PM UPDATE -Its now 7 and im home and not alots changed . I bought a bottle of wine on my way home with the full intention of getting trashed over the weekend . I decided I actually need to start doing some exercise again . Im a worrier by nature and it troubles me that some friends of mine seem to be no longer friends.
[Todays Playlist - Motorhead / Born To Raise Hell , Dead Kennedys / To Drunk To Fuck]
entry . As we only have email and not actual real internet here I have to email
this to myself and paste it in .
They have a stupid filter on everything here so even if I could access the
internet , if I looked at SG I would probably cause a government meltdown . This
is what becomes of you when you work in a stupid *insert expletive here* little
government office .
I read in the independent today (the only Jordan free newspaper that I could
find) that the government are thinking of putting tax on such things as burgers
as chocolates so we can all be trim and in shape . What a complete joke , its
our god given right to eat what we want to eat , smoke , drink ..whatever
..without being conditioned by ever increasing price hikes to look and act how
they want us too . Whatever happened to rights and freedom ? we are all aware of
the dangers of these things , we're not as stupid as they think we are ..if we
have these vices and we want to 'poison' our bodies then we should be allowed
So many things that Orwell wrote about in his books over fifty years ago our
coming true , it won't be too long before the thought police makes the jump from
fiction to reality . It just makes me so tired that in the 21st century we're
all still essentially just another mind plugged into the matrix , if I wasn't so
weak and didn't love all my little creature comforts so much I would move away
from society , live in the mountains growing beans or something with no pressure
I should be careful as "they" could be monitoring this and I could get the
cuckoos nest treatment and end up laying there with my eyes glazed over and
being smothered by a big native American fellow.
Im in a real anti establishment mood today , I feel like raising hell , being a
crow left of the murder (love that title) , playing something extremely loud and
putting my foot through several of the computers surrounding me .. but alas I
won't I will sit here and keep my head down and keep typing this so people will
think that im working.

Anyway today has consisted of filing , shuffling about , pretending to be busy
even though I have no work , going to the kitchen every five minutes to break up
the boredom with tea and hot cross buns , taking a super long lunch which I
spent poncing about in the 1950's hats and outfits shop down the road .. and
reading my book.
That has been my day and I have another hour and a half yet until I can get to
go home so I think i'll go make me some tea .
PM UPDATE -Its now 7 and im home and not alots changed . I bought a bottle of wine on my way home with the full intention of getting trashed over the weekend . I decided I actually need to start doing some exercise again . Im a worrier by nature and it troubles me that some friends of mine seem to be no longer friends.
[Todays Playlist - Motorhead / Born To Raise Hell , Dead Kennedys / To Drunk To Fuck]
hopefully see you soon b.
i dont want to lose my friends because someone decided to act like a little girl.