Woo hoo.. that time of the year is upon us again and my house still remains undecorated and no cards have been written , the shoppings done though so thats something .
Its been a nice last couple of weeks or so - been catching up with all my friends before christmas , watching bad santa and muppet christmas carol , having the office christmas...
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Nothing important happened today.
Seems to be the norm these days.*sigh*
I need a break , every day at work over the last few weeks no matter how much sleep i've had the night before I feel terrible ..just dead to the world. But this weekend I feel ticketyboo.
Ooh yeah I went on the Hogs Back brewery tour yesterday which was great , I...
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Seems to be the norm these days.*sigh*
I need a break , every day at work over the last few weeks no matter how much sleep i've had the night before I feel terrible ..just dead to the world. But this weekend I feel ticketyboo.
Ooh yeah I went on the Hogs Back brewery tour yesterday which was great , I...
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id really like to see the xfiles final episode- the truth.
have u seen that?
know what u mean about the boredom.
my motto at work is fast becoming 'same shit- different day'
have u seen that?
know what u mean about the boredom.
my motto at work is fast becoming 'same shit- different day'
Hey I know you!
I only came across you by chance whilst looking for an old thread & seeing you were 'live' again. So many folks have been grey for months then come back that I've learned to stop tidying my list. Your own house now eh? Excellent.
Where's the Hogs back brewery - sounds like a good way to spend an afternoon.
Hope you're well.

Where's the Hogs back brewery - sounds like a good way to spend an afternoon.

Hope you're well.
*Do you ever get the feeling your getting old before your time? Im only 25 , shouldn't I be wanting to go out rocking and rolling and boozing every night still ? . I seem to be very homey these days , certainly more so since I got my own place , I think the responsibility has forced me to grow up a bit ..maybe...
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...just wait until you are 30. You'll wonder where all the fucking time went and how you are suddenly an adult and all that jazz. It plays hell with one's inner child.
i've joined lovefilm a while ago for rental. it's good, trouble is the post office keep losing my sodding dvd's when i send them back. i'm pretty sure they're going to fine me or something/
The threat
Do not click on the above link if the sight of me dressed as an Arab terrorist might offend you.
This is the first scene of the epic home video version of 24 that myself , LosLocos and Kate are going to produce
Do not click on the above link if the sight of me dressed as an Arab terrorist might offend you.
This is the first scene of the epic home video version of 24 that myself , LosLocos and Kate are going to produce

Friendly Bacteria
My word , what on earth am I doing in work at 7am , for some reason my eyes popped open at 5am this morning and I decided to get up and go in , as the earlier I get in , the earlier I can go home. Im sure going to feel it later on I think , but I don't feel...
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My word , what on earth am I doing in work at 7am , for some reason my eyes popped open at 5am this morning and I decided to get up and go in , as the earlier I get in , the earlier I can go home. Im sure going to feel it later on I think , but I don't feel...
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Welcome back! I've missed you.
Also... you ALWAYS see my favorite bands live! BAH.
Also... you ALWAYS see my favorite bands live! BAH.
i'm going on sunday! maybe i'll see ya. unlikely, but i'll try to look out for you anyway.
The Return
I think its finally safe to come out of hiding , my alter ego Mr Bloodflowers sleeps with the fishes ..I've been in the witness relocation program for 8 months now after shopping the Don to the feds ...now I return (thanks to the miracle of the years membership for $29 offer email I got).
But anyway yes I am back , I...
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I think its finally safe to come out of hiding , my alter ego Mr Bloodflowers sleeps with the fishes ..I've been in the witness relocation program for 8 months now after shopping the Don to the feds ...now I return (thanks to the miracle of the years membership for $29 offer email I got).
But anyway yes I am back , I...
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Ah Barrysan! welcome back to the fold.
As for the horny bit....
didn't need to know that.
As for the horny bit....
didn't need to know that.

Welcome back, cutie!
Eeeeeeep! (I mean congratulations.) on the mortgage. Sounds like exciting times.
As for the horny thing, I think that is a summer thing cause I have it too!
Eeeeeeep! (I mean congratulations.) on the mortgage. Sounds like exciting times.

As for the horny thing, I think that is a summer thing cause I have it too!

Chavos / Corfu - My report from the frontline (written 3/9)
Well what a disaster , what was supposed to be a nice treat for my girlfriends birthday has turned into a thoroughly miserable time for us both , making me feel pretty lousy in the process for subjecting her to it.
Where to start ? everything that can can go wrong has gone wrong....
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Well what a disaster , what was supposed to be a nice treat for my girlfriends birthday has turned into a thoroughly miserable time for us both , making me feel pretty lousy in the process for subjecting her to it.
Where to start ? everything that can can go wrong has gone wrong....
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can u see my AMAZING freudian slip in my first message?
cool, i do really wanna see it
dave says its up there with series 2 as one of his favourites too.
sorry to hear youre sick though
that sucks
you need to get some echinacea in ya!

dave says its up there with series 2 as one of his favourites too.
sorry to hear youre sick though

you need to get some echinacea in ya!
*Don't you just love sundays ? . Today I got up at 11.30 after watching some ethical debate about plastic surgery , sat about eating scones and watching wrestling . Eventually getting dressed sometime in the afternoon after an incredibly long hot shower . Strutted about to some cool tunes in my pants , watched a few episodes of 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' , perused a...
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i am going to the one on the 8th i think (with Nickolai and greenthought)
let me guess... you lovely two were more organised and are going the other night?
[Edited on Feb 04, 2005 12:46PM]
let me guess... you lovely two were more organised and are going the other night?
[Edited on Feb 04, 2005 12:46PM]
yeah, ace weren't they? very entertaining!
i loved "Mein Teil" with the cooking pot and flame thrower!
i've just watched 6 24 episodes back to back - got one more disc to go. i must admit, i think they totally nailed this series, every episode has been an absolute corker...
and yeah, the jack/chappelle thing - amazing...

i loved "Mein Teil" with the cooking pot and flame thrower!
i've just watched 6 24 episodes back to back - got one more disc to go. i must admit, i think they totally nailed this series, every episode has been an absolute corker...
and yeah, the jack/chappelle thing - amazing...

Yo! ..how are we today my pretties ?
A few things to report -
*I went to see Velvet Revolver last night , and my ears are still ringing from it . I am not a huge fan of the album and I found the same thing last night ...they look like the perfect rock band but they just don't have the tunes to match....
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A few things to report -
*I went to see Velvet Revolver last night , and my ears are still ringing from it . I am not a huge fan of the album and I found the same thing last night ...they look like the perfect rock band but they just don't have the tunes to match....
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hahaha. that bit killed me.
you wanna come over and watch farenheit 9/11 at mine tonight?
Also im helping my dad catch up on 6ft under
text me if u can
hahaha. that bit killed me.
you wanna come over and watch farenheit 9/11 at mine tonight?
Also im helping my dad catch up on 6ft under

text me if u can
you talk a helluva lot more on journals than at meets but that's understandable i guess. and i love the prose.
*Barry really really hates South West Trains even more than he did before now
. I left work early today to get home as the tickets for Nine Inch Nails London shows in march went on presale at 4 today . But no .. bloody signalling problems means im sat like a lemon in Waterloo for 20 minutes whilst they faffed about and faffed about...
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i hate trains being delayed too....let me know if you launch a one man campaign against them and i'll join in too!!!
i am going to green day on the 24th also. as i said in sg:uk i was gonna go down really early, but now am going down about lunch time and bringing supplies i think.
i am going to green day on the 24th also. as i said in sg:uk i was gonna go down really early, but now am going down about lunch time and bringing supplies i think.
So you up then ready to score your NIN tickets? Which day are you aiming for?