Fuckin love me some Beastie Boyssss! Also, this song came out the year I was born, which is really weird to think about. Wowzaaaa!
[[Side note: This song takes me baaaaack to the days that I used to drink like it was going outta style. Because one night in Davis, I was HAMMERED on peach mojitos with my friends and me, Beastwars (my girl Meghan), and some dude (who's name I cannot remember for the life of me!) did this song PERFECT at karaoke night at G St Bar. Hahahaha! Like, most of it, not even reading the words! Ah yes, karaoke night... lol I'll have to dive into that some more another time because I could go on and on( and on and on) with drunk Trekka stories from my silly past.]]
Warning: Long blog, straight ahead! Proceed if you dare.
Sooooo.... kind of a lot has happened since we last spoke. Or rather, since I've blogged. Pictures were involved as per the usual.
Hrrrrrmmmmm... Where to begin?? Well, I suppose I'll go in order.
First and foremost, congrats (again and times infinity) to my amazingly gorgeous best friend Chrysis who went PINK a couple days ago. Yes, I needed to mention it AGAIN because I'm still so excited for her. So there's that!

Amazing much?! Can we get this front page or what?! lol
In other amazing friend news..
I hung out with Thanatogenous the other day and AGAIN did not take pictures. Hahaha! But we went to Old Sacramento and got some silly stuff to play with, which includes a new much-needed sticker for my Jeep that says THE DEAD ARE COMING. BE READY to fuel my zombie obsession. And then we went to the pub to grab a bite and a drink. LOL
Well, remember how I haven't been drinking? I decided to throw that out the window the other day and just let loose for once! Haha! So I ended up having 2 (HUGE) shots of Jameson and a peach long island. We made friends with the bartender, who's a big burly tattooed dude named Fat Matt.
#1. I don't like calling people "fat" to their face, even when it's their "name"

#2. He's not even that fat so it's completely misleading

#3. I do -not- remember our entire conversation. Just fragments. lol

#4. He ok-ed an SGSAC event to be held there, which I really think should happen since all bars in Sacramento SUCK besides this one. Crowd-wise anyways. We don't really fit in with the hipsters elsewhere.

#5. Giving this dude my number while intoxicated was a bad idea because he's blowin up my cell like crazy and sending me pictures of his kid... fuckin weird.

So anywayssssssss! I got drunk for the first time in a long ass time! it was actually super fun and I look forward to it happening again sometime soon. Preferably with Thanatogenous and no Fat Matt.lol
Speaking of Thana..

You should go HERE and give this set some more lovins! I wanna see this front page also! ASAP.

And on the topic of hooping, I have been practicing my ass off! lol I feel actual muscle in my abs currently from practicing so... that's bad ass! HAHA! Bikini abs?! I hope so!

I know one thing, I've got the bruises to prove I've been practicing!

....basically, I look like people beat me. LOL
So, I've hung out a couple times with DefendTucson since our first meeting displayed here:

LOL He's super fun and hilarious. And he got me this at an airport:

I think he, kas, and I are all gonna hang out again soon and probably watch weird clown porn again and laugh our asses off. Yeah, I feel good about that plan. LOL
My ratties are enjoying their new play area that is my bedroom! I went on a picture rampage, which I will spoiler so as to not accidentally break your computer screen with adorableness overload.

But for serious, how fucking cute are they?!
Now for random iPhone pictures... Those are always a good time!
What else??? I feel like there was alllll this shit I wanted to tell you about and now I can't remember any of it.
OH! I got an awesome sunburn that I completely and utterly love for its comedic value!
I've been reading this still:
Me being dorky in Photo Booth
Soooo ok. As far as an actual life update...
My life has been... crazy lately. Many ups and downs. Or rather, many downs and few ups. Feeling a little lost and empty as of late. But I am doing my absolute best to stay positive and forge ahead.. Even when I really don't want to. It is what it is. I'll make it through, right? Right.
Well, I think this blog has raped your eye holes for long enough now. Thanks for tuning in, as always! Also, a big huge THANK YOU to all you wonderful SG-ers who have made this roller coaster ride a little more fun. I don't know where I'd be without you all. My little lights guiding me home when I stray from the path. I love you guys.
P.S. Don't forget!
May 26 Sail Away is coming to an SG Member Review near you!
How could I forget you don't mind the pain? But yes the aloe application, if not you, then someone.