If you've never fucked anyone to this song, PLEASE! STOP whatever you're doing, find a (consenting) partner, and do the nasty while listening to it off my blog right now. Uuuuunnnnnnggg! love. it.

Some stuff has happened since last blog. FUN things! YAAAAAAY! ..And lame things. boooooo. But, it's not an epic blog like usual cuz I'm tired kinda. haha! So, here goes!
Soooo this has been my LIFE for the last couple days because I can't commit to doing it longer than 2 hours at a time. PACKING!!! Dun dun duuuuunnnnn!

Gross. I soooo cannot wait to be done at this point. Like, I don't even care about all the emotional issues I was having with it all, at this point. I just want it DOOOOONE. But I don't want to be the one to do it. lol Like it is just ABSURD how much stuff I/we have. Very strongly considering becoming a minimalist. lol
Good thing is, I'm throwing away/donating a great deal of items. So when I move BACK out of my parent's place I can just start fucking FRESH!
OOO! Also, my hair is to the point (grown out) that I need to make a decision of if I wanna keep going blonde or if I wanna dye it. So, solid blonde:

how it is now:

If I dye it, I'm gonna do like a dark chocolate brown with a couple indigo chunks hidden in there.

Ok, more important things! Now...

Tuesday night, Thanatogenous and her hubster had me over for dinner! It was pretty much amazing. HAHA! We had a fabulous time, but of course, we didn't take pictures. Hehe! We're always too busy talking or laughing about something to even think about a camera! lol But we watched Death Proof and hung out for a while. It was fabulous!
... besides the fact that I got pulled over on my way home and SOMEHOW got out of getting my Jeep towed and possibly being arrested.... I must have been batting my eyelashes really good or something.

Yesterday, I went over to kas's place and had a completely, bizarrely perfect afternoon with her and DefendTucson. Haha! I don't know if words can even BEGIN to describe the afternoon we had....
Well, it began fairly normal with kas and I exchanging war stories from 'Nam. [Read: bad/funny sex stories] Somehow the conversation went from that to weird fetishy porn that we watched as a bit of a spectacle. When DefendTucson showed up we got to talking about the military and stuff. And kas used to be in the Air Force, so she brought out her old Blues....
...which we then forced her to put on. HAHA!

So then.... somehow... (not entirely sure when or why) but we started talking about funny porn bloopers so we looked them up online and laughed our asses off.
Randomly, it reminds me of a short gif I had seen of a clown, like a dude in full-on clown gear, going down on a chick. We immediately decide (obviously) that we need to find it online. And we found it!!! A 15 minute long, very cheaply done, poorly filmed, porno of a chick doing these 2 clowns. There was a rubber chicken involved...
During minute one of clown porn:

By the end of clown porn:
Then we got onto some odd porn kick, and watched a Smurf porn that was in spanish...
And then ....we just started watching some flat out FUCKED UP SHIT ... that I will never be able to erase from my mind. Ever. HAHA
But then we watched Chapelle Show!!! YAAAAAAAAY! hahahaha!
Basically, the most random afternoon I have ever had and quite possibly the best. I haven't laughed that hard in I don't know how long.
Who knew that weird fetish porn is what I needed to get me out of my funk?!
Anyways! That was the first time I had met DefendTucson and he is one cool dude! Haha! Soooo fun! kas and I decided we may need to make this a very regular thing.
I've been playing music and singing a lot lately. I've actually expanded my singing range a little in the last week with some work on strengthening my diaphragm, which is exciting for me. But probably terribly boring to you.... Hehehehe! I'm sorry!
I have a little more I wanna write about. Actually, a lot more. But I need to get some more shit done on this whole packing situation so it looks like I actually tried today. lol
Thank you, AS ALWAYS, for all your super love and support! And I'll have maybe better updates once I'm done moving!
EDIT: Go oogle my bff and love it!
Chrysis' Dull Roar
I think yes.