So I thought I'd catch you up on the happenings of my uterus... It can grow tiny humans. 😳
Current human has been growing for 17.5 weeks now. No word on its gender. We will know in 2 weeks from today. Who knew I had such powers?!
Anyway, that's about where life is for me now. Married, raising 2 beautiful step daughters, and growing a
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I'm married now! :)
Also, my boo @bradley came to celebrate with us!
Anyway.. Married life is good and life is pretty damn decent in general these days! Just thought I'd update those who are still around or care. Hope you all are doing well! Sending love and happiness to all!
Oh yeah! And this is our new pup Apollo. He's a dream
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It's kind of obnoxious how anytime someone gets married, all these fucking people come out of the woodwork that assume they are invited...
It's even more obnoxious when my soon to be sister in law decides to fucking invite people without asking me or my fiancé because she "assumed they were invited anyway". And then when she gets pissed when I tell her that the...
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I've been terrible about blogs and being active on the site. I actually think I've made the decision to not renew my membership. Finally for real this time. A) I can't really afford extra expenses. B) I'm certainly done being a Hopeful (removed my Hopeful status and sets months ago). C) I'm not super crazy about the new site like a lot of people are.
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So guess what.
We're moving again! Any guesses as to where?
We're moving to Northern Idaho! ... In less than 2 weeks. :) This is what it looks like there now:
Yep! Snow! I know that's not exciting to most of you, but as a girl who had only lived in the Sacramento area my whole entire life up until earlier this year, living in
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I know I know... I suck at communicating with you all these days. Life has been busy between my work schedule, hangin with my fiance, going to multiple custody hearings for his daughters, and still getting settled up here in Washington. I feel like I have very little free time and when I do, it's generally not spent on the...
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I'm sick.

I'm so bummed.. I'm like really super sick with a really bad cold and I feel like death. And frankly, I'm pretty pissed that it happened RIGHT when I moved here since I have to start my new job on Tuesday. Gahhh!
But the drive went well, only about 13 hours from Sacramento, CA to the...
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and more importantly,