anyway i asked to be removed from the site in the help section because im not a very dramatic kind of person but i think its funny if i say the wrong thing i will be removed in less than 3 minutes.there are few people i know and trust on this site and one of them was sicily.heres something she wrote...............
i would like to set the record straight about a few things. my intent behind exposing SG is solely due to my innate urge to act in a socially responsible manner. i am a strong believer of truth and integrity, and am firmly committed to such behavior (of course i fuck up sometimes, and will fully admit it when i do). for those of you who think this is about money and the dvd, you are sorely mistaken. to be perfectly honest, we were originally only offered $1,000 before the thing was even put together. i agreed to partake in the project for fun, before any royalties were ever offered up. i didn't expect to get rich from it. i didn't really expect much. i am fully aware of what i originally agreed to. now, in the early stages i was not aware that the dvd would be sold at best buy, virgin, tower, etc... i was not aware that it would be aired on showtime for 2 years. i was not aware that sean was going to promise us each a 5 cent royalty after re-coup. i was not aware that he would use this royalty "promise" to manipulate us into doing free promotion. i was not aware that he would be so angry when asked to follow through with his word via contract. i was not aware that i would have to sign a confidentiality contract in order to receive any payment at all on the dvd. i was not aware that sean would tell me that his time was worth at least $100/hour and he had put at least 200 hours into the dvd, which would be tallied onto the re-coup. i was not aware that he would threaten to tally up the re-coup just to ensure that he would get his money back first (which is plenty). i was not aware that he would attempt to intimidate me with his money and lawyers...
now, all this aside...i honestly do not know if the dvd will ever re-coup at all. as far as i know, the whole thing has been a a big, stressful heartache for sg. they all put a lot of time and effort into something that may or may not ever pay off. i have seen sean working hard on this project and know that it has been a huge frustration for him. my only grievance over the dvd is that i was lied to and told things like, 'the dvd sucks because you guys are a bunch of vapid idiots' and 'an ass sex video wouldn't have paid you as much'.
This leads me to the constant verbal abuse and threats that sean dishes out to models, or anyone who gets close enough to experience his personality. i have heard him call everyone in the office "fucking morons and idiots" on numerous occasions. i have heard him call models, "sluts", "whores", "junkies", "stupid", etc...this list is longer that i care to write. in fact the burlesque tour girls had an on-going joke about this, and actually wrote and taped a piece of paper that read "YOU SUCK! - from sean" on our costume bin. sometimes ya gotta make light of the ugly stuff. i have watched girls (my friends) cry themselves to sleep at night (on numerous occasions) due to his verbals insults and downright mean behavior. i have also heard sean laugh about it later...amused at his own demeaning antics.
now, this is not to say that sean is all evil...he has a very intelligent and charming side. one that i got along with very well with for some time. in fact, if you're on his good side, he's full of perks and favors. he has given me free banners ads, free clothing that often gets sent into the office for sampling purposes, bought me food, let me drive the company car around, and let's not forget i lived in his house for 2 months...where i kept things tidy, ran the occasional errand, and gave him and a couple of the girls private yoga lessons. it was great for a little while, until he started having random outbursts at me and calling me names. in fact i'll share just one experience:
about a month ago, sg received a box of sample shirts from a company that is supposed to start making sg merch. usually sean has whatever girls are around try on stuff and everyone sort of decides what they like and don't like. i think he was dissatisfied with the samples for whatever reason, which put him in a bad mood. the rest of us were trying stuff on and commenting on it. i made a comment on a print that i didn't like...saying that the shirt was rad, but would be better with a different print. suddenly sean snaps at me and says "why don't you just shut the fuck up lady, no one asked you!" then he went on to say 'that i was too old to understand the demographic and that i had no idea what i was talking about *insert sneering voice*'. mind you, this is in front of three other people, 2 models and a staff member. i just stared at him in silence, got up and left. after taking a walk, i came back and confronted him. i told him that telling me to 'shut the fuck up' and insulting me, hurt my feelings and was honestly one of the meanest things i had heard spat at me in quite some time. it was mostly in the way he said it. he took no responsibility what-so-ever. he told me that he was "just joking" and that he thought 'we were good enough friends to be able to talk to each other like that' and 'he was sorry if i misunderstood him'. totally played it off like nothing. i reminded him that my friends and i do not talk to one another like that. ever.
this is just one of a zillion incidents that represent his condescending, rude and disrespectful antics. between some of the girls, we could write a book. i'm dead serious.
now, i find it quite bizarre and unsettling that this is the man behind what is supposedly an empowering web site, "run by women". knowing sean over the past year and 1/2 and getting to know to him on a personal level has made me understand what people mean when they talk about 'misogyny'. i have confronted sexism in the workplace, school and other such institutions. let me tell you, NOTHING compares to the behavior i have witnessed from sean. i have never in my life heard a more patronizing voice. the sarcasm behind it is sometimes enough to make your skin crawl. he thrives on fear and prefers to keep those around him in such a state. in fact, he has threatened to sue and imprison many of us girls who are speaking out or leaving the site. some people are terrified of his bark. i am not. i signed a confidentiality contract, and i honestly do not care if i break it. i am not bothered by sean boasting of his 'friend in the fbi' or other such power trips. the difference between sean and myself is that i have nothing to lose. go ahead, take my records and books away, cuz that's about all you'll get. go ahead...try to put me behind bars, my internal strength and depth supersedes ANY external environment. you think i care if you sue me sean?? don't be crass! i have been poor my whole life and wouldn't trade the wealth of my experiences for the world. what are you going to do...torture me?! kill me?! hah, i refuse to be afraid, so fuck off! everything that i speak of is the truth as i have experienced it, and i believe that other models deserve to know who they are working for. i believe that the people should know what where their money is going. i believe that if my experience and my words can help enlighten others, it would be a disgrace to keep it to myself. olivia seems to think it's petty to put my energy forth into such a small company. well, i firmly believe in "thinking globally and acting locally". i sure wish someone had told me about suicidegirls before i bared my flesh and promoted their lie. "feminism"?...what a crock of shit! there is nothing "punk rock" or "feministic" about sg. they have merely tapped into an audience of young hipsters and turned it into something that is "trendy" and "cool". it's no wonder that the majority of model applicants are barely 18. it's the 'alternative, hipster-girl' thing to do!
now, i am not bothered by the fact that sean owns a soft porn site, just don't LIE about how you portray it. who cares. change your marketing antics. BE HONEST. sean is very business savvy, and i have no doubt he couldn't successfully run this site with integrity...unfortunately i do not think he cares to evolve in such a manner. i am not out to destroy sean, or missy or olivia, etc. i merely want the truth to be known. i have no desire to end up in court over this, and i definitely have no desire to attempt to gain some sort of profit from this. in fact, if for some strange reason i was ever given another dime from sg, i wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole. mark my word. i want nothing more from this than to peel the wool from your eyes. i'm tired of the lack of morale in our world today, and i am fully committed to shedding light upon darkness in any way i know how.
i would like to set the record straight about a few things. my intent behind exposing SG is solely due to my innate urge to act in a socially responsible manner. i am a strong believer of truth and integrity, and am firmly committed to such behavior (of course i fuck up sometimes, and will fully admit it when i do). for those of you who think this is about money and the dvd, you are sorely mistaken. to be perfectly honest, we were originally only offered $1,000 before the thing was even put together. i agreed to partake in the project for fun, before any royalties were ever offered up. i didn't expect to get rich from it. i didn't really expect much. i am fully aware of what i originally agreed to. now, in the early stages i was not aware that the dvd would be sold at best buy, virgin, tower, etc... i was not aware that it would be aired on showtime for 2 years. i was not aware that sean was going to promise us each a 5 cent royalty after re-coup. i was not aware that he would use this royalty "promise" to manipulate us into doing free promotion. i was not aware that he would be so angry when asked to follow through with his word via contract. i was not aware that i would have to sign a confidentiality contract in order to receive any payment at all on the dvd. i was not aware that sean would tell me that his time was worth at least $100/hour and he had put at least 200 hours into the dvd, which would be tallied onto the re-coup. i was not aware that he would threaten to tally up the re-coup just to ensure that he would get his money back first (which is plenty). i was not aware that he would attempt to intimidate me with his money and lawyers...
now, all this aside...i honestly do not know if the dvd will ever re-coup at all. as far as i know, the whole thing has been a a big, stressful heartache for sg. they all put a lot of time and effort into something that may or may not ever pay off. i have seen sean working hard on this project and know that it has been a huge frustration for him. my only grievance over the dvd is that i was lied to and told things like, 'the dvd sucks because you guys are a bunch of vapid idiots' and 'an ass sex video wouldn't have paid you as much'.
This leads me to the constant verbal abuse and threats that sean dishes out to models, or anyone who gets close enough to experience his personality. i have heard him call everyone in the office "fucking morons and idiots" on numerous occasions. i have heard him call models, "sluts", "whores", "junkies", "stupid", etc...this list is longer that i care to write. in fact the burlesque tour girls had an on-going joke about this, and actually wrote and taped a piece of paper that read "YOU SUCK! - from sean" on our costume bin. sometimes ya gotta make light of the ugly stuff. i have watched girls (my friends) cry themselves to sleep at night (on numerous occasions) due to his verbals insults and downright mean behavior. i have also heard sean laugh about it later...amused at his own demeaning antics.
now, this is not to say that sean is all evil...he has a very intelligent and charming side. one that i got along with very well with for some time. in fact, if you're on his good side, he's full of perks and favors. he has given me free banners ads, free clothing that often gets sent into the office for sampling purposes, bought me food, let me drive the company car around, and let's not forget i lived in his house for 2 months...where i kept things tidy, ran the occasional errand, and gave him and a couple of the girls private yoga lessons. it was great for a little while, until he started having random outbursts at me and calling me names. in fact i'll share just one experience:
about a month ago, sg received a box of sample shirts from a company that is supposed to start making sg merch. usually sean has whatever girls are around try on stuff and everyone sort of decides what they like and don't like. i think he was dissatisfied with the samples for whatever reason, which put him in a bad mood. the rest of us were trying stuff on and commenting on it. i made a comment on a print that i didn't like...saying that the shirt was rad, but would be better with a different print. suddenly sean snaps at me and says "why don't you just shut the fuck up lady, no one asked you!" then he went on to say 'that i was too old to understand the demographic and that i had no idea what i was talking about *insert sneering voice*'. mind you, this is in front of three other people, 2 models and a staff member. i just stared at him in silence, got up and left. after taking a walk, i came back and confronted him. i told him that telling me to 'shut the fuck up' and insulting me, hurt my feelings and was honestly one of the meanest things i had heard spat at me in quite some time. it was mostly in the way he said it. he took no responsibility what-so-ever. he told me that he was "just joking" and that he thought 'we were good enough friends to be able to talk to each other like that' and 'he was sorry if i misunderstood him'. totally played it off like nothing. i reminded him that my friends and i do not talk to one another like that. ever.
this is just one of a zillion incidents that represent his condescending, rude and disrespectful antics. between some of the girls, we could write a book. i'm dead serious.
now, i find it quite bizarre and unsettling that this is the man behind what is supposedly an empowering web site, "run by women". knowing sean over the past year and 1/2 and getting to know to him on a personal level has made me understand what people mean when they talk about 'misogyny'. i have confronted sexism in the workplace, school and other such institutions. let me tell you, NOTHING compares to the behavior i have witnessed from sean. i have never in my life heard a more patronizing voice. the sarcasm behind it is sometimes enough to make your skin crawl. he thrives on fear and prefers to keep those around him in such a state. in fact, he has threatened to sue and imprison many of us girls who are speaking out or leaving the site. some people are terrified of his bark. i am not. i signed a confidentiality contract, and i honestly do not care if i break it. i am not bothered by sean boasting of his 'friend in the fbi' or other such power trips. the difference between sean and myself is that i have nothing to lose. go ahead, take my records and books away, cuz that's about all you'll get. go ahead...try to put me behind bars, my internal strength and depth supersedes ANY external environment. you think i care if you sue me sean?? don't be crass! i have been poor my whole life and wouldn't trade the wealth of my experiences for the world. what are you going to do...torture me?! kill me?! hah, i refuse to be afraid, so fuck off! everything that i speak of is the truth as i have experienced it, and i believe that other models deserve to know who they are working for. i believe that the people should know what where their money is going. i believe that if my experience and my words can help enlighten others, it would be a disgrace to keep it to myself. olivia seems to think it's petty to put my energy forth into such a small company. well, i firmly believe in "thinking globally and acting locally". i sure wish someone had told me about suicidegirls before i bared my flesh and promoted their lie. "feminism"?...what a crock of shit! there is nothing "punk rock" or "feministic" about sg. they have merely tapped into an audience of young hipsters and turned it into something that is "trendy" and "cool". it's no wonder that the majority of model applicants are barely 18. it's the 'alternative, hipster-girl' thing to do!
now, i am not bothered by the fact that sean owns a soft porn site, just don't LIE about how you portray it. who cares. change your marketing antics. BE HONEST. sean is very business savvy, and i have no doubt he couldn't successfully run this site with integrity...unfortunately i do not think he cares to evolve in such a manner. i am not out to destroy sean, or missy or olivia, etc. i merely want the truth to be known. i have no desire to end up in court over this, and i definitely have no desire to attempt to gain some sort of profit from this. in fact, if for some strange reason i was ever given another dime from sg, i wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole. mark my word. i want nothing more from this than to peel the wool from your eyes. i'm tired of the lack of morale in our world today, and i am fully committed to shedding light upon darkness in any way i know how.

more exposure...