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Monday Apr 18, 2005
Dammit I need a new man purse and a haircut! -
Monday Apr 18, 2005
Damn I got off work so late tonite like at 2.30am.Things are pretty r… -
Friday Apr 15, 2005
I just saw my EX on yahoo and so I decided I would say hi and it hurt… -
Saturday Apr 09, 2005
dammit im sick right now.oh well thats not going to stop me from seei… -
Friday Apr 08, 2005
lets get personal... okay. So I moved to Seattle in April of 2003 t… -
Saturday Apr 02, 2005
so anyway death from above 1979 were really good those bastards have … -
Thursday Mar 31, 2005
i guess im going to go to these arms are snakes,death from above 1979… -
Thursday Mar 31, 2005
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Tuesday Mar 29, 2005
I am at a very anti social period in my life right now.Tonight I went… -
Monday Mar 21, 2005
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It sounds like your pretty isolated and isolation leads to a lot of different things/ feelings. I don't believe that we're meant to be isolated, yet sometimes when people get depressed thats all they want- to be isolated. which just ends up to feed thier sense of unhappiness. If moving is going to help you reconnect with your social support- I say DO IT. Once you feel grounded and supported it will be a lot easier for you to deal with whatever you feel needs to be explored.
I don't know if meds is the answer for you, but it sounds like you're recognizing a pattern that you have and have a tendency to repeat. Just recognizing that there is a repeatitive pattern that exists helps you the next time around... its like you get another chance to not mess- up the same scenario. With my relationship pattern I'm thankful that I get to have a new shot at a seemingly old pattern also, and do things differently. - If you need to talk call me or Dave. I know I dont know you that well but I do care and I know that Dave cares a lot about you. SERIOUSLY. you know the numbers. Hang in there sweetheart!