okay so i finished the computer for my friendand its off.just in time too becaause my housemate gave me his notice a few days ago so its moving time for me.which im excited about its wierd how i dont feel doubtful that im going to find a cool place.saturn has totally inspired me to cook and tonite i made some actually really good tofu fajita type thing i wasnt planning on it but thats how it turned out.shes a vegan and im a vegetarian so its really been fun cooking for her.argh bacck to packing and doing laundry.boo to devo not coming to seattle but heres a small list of things im looking foward to.....
chicks on speed
adult w/numbers
dj ztrip
the juan maclean
almost all the shows but one is at chop suey which is awesome since its so small.
chicks on speed
adult w/numbers
dj ztrip
the juan maclean
almost all the shows but one is at chop suey which is awesome since its so small.
Dave and I started cooking about 4 times a week together... it's kinda funny since wer'e both learning. The only meals that turn out good are the TJ's stuff thats premade and you basically just pop it in the oven

hey dude, what are you doing friday afternoon....i get in around 1;30, wanna hang out?