as some of you may know i work for trader joes and right now im trying to go management there the problem is the hours they give you.i asked to be put on the schedule as if i was already management.heres what it looks like.
its fucking hella confusing to me to start my week getting off work at 2am and end it starting at 5 am.they are the devil fucking germans.oh well i asked for it.its kinda fucked too theres a new bar opening on capitol hill looking for a bar manager and they are paying 30k a year plus while your working you bartend so you make tips too, but im already involved in what im doing with trader joes.
sicily who might read this, keeps on treatening to come up here and raise a disturbance with these fucking girl jean wearing, akira hair having, coke sniffing, capitol hill rockstars that dont play music.i hope she goes on a killing spree i dont have the time to murder these days im a busy guy.
oh yeah i decided to not have any favorite SGs anymore because you can figure out who my favorites are by looking at my friends list.i made this decision after attending the SGprom.
its fucking hella confusing to me to start my week getting off work at 2am and end it starting at 5 am.they are the devil fucking germans.oh well i asked for it.its kinda fucked too theres a new bar opening on capitol hill looking for a bar manager and they are paying 30k a year plus while your working you bartend so you make tips too, but im already involved in what im doing with trader joes.
sicily who might read this, keeps on treatening to come up here and raise a disturbance with these fucking girl jean wearing, akira hair having, coke sniffing, capitol hill rockstars that dont play music.i hope she goes on a killing spree i dont have the time to murder these days im a busy guy.
oh yeah i decided to not have any favorite SGs anymore because you can figure out who my favorites are by looking at my friends list.i made this decision after attending the SGprom.
i am hearing ludachris and i just wanna sleeeep