I still havent smoked i know its only been two days but its a big deal to me.i have been buying records everyday though.yesterday i bought a limited press of :W:umpscut and some pretty cool comps one is on beggars banquet so it has bauhaus. love and rockets, the ramones, the fall, ect ect ect.then i got this other comp its called electronic body music which for some of you who dont know is the coined phrase for alot of new softer industrial music coming out these days EBm.this comp has skinny puppy, front 242, neon judgement, chris and cosey, click click, cassandra complex.
edited to say
may is panning out to be a busy fucking month

edited to say
may is panning out to be a busy fucking month

i 've i web site but it's on line on may , and you can listen my music