man i was talking to some people tonite about a person who just took thier thing i know i was balling i dont know whats wrong with me i dont normally cry but ever since my brother died it really hard to keep my composure when talking about death.its wierd too because i dont know that im afraid to die.for instance i woke up today to the sounds of the blue angels for sea fair.i thought we were under attack so i turned on the news because i was sure of it.i felt somewhat at ease of the fact of possibly being attacked it was wierd.sorry for babbling.
on another note i dont know if im really fitting into this site very well.whats it all about?naked girls and making friends in your area.i liked it when i was flirting with a certain someone on here all the time but due to us living so far away and other shit that stopped.who knows maybe i will drift into another cyber friendship site or maybe i will make real friends in seattle.i have a few so far but spend most of my time alone.
on another note i dont know if im really fitting into this site very well.whats it all about?naked girls and making friends in your area.i liked it when i was flirting with a certain someone on here all the time but due to us living so far away and other shit that stopped.who knows maybe i will drift into another cyber friendship site or maybe i will make real friends in seattle.i have a few so far but spend most of my time alone.
perhaps a bit of both...or maybe there's no such thing as an alter ego. wait, maaaybe my computer is possessed by satanic imps and they make me type weird shit.

dude...i hate friendster.....but i love it here