ok new journal.
im trying to plan a trip to CA right now which would involve taking a train like this SD>LA>my home town santa cruz.i will most likely be doing it in august if i get my shit together in time.
other than that my life has been pretty much lame im sick of seattle but feel stuck here sorta.i have a love hate thing going with it here we will see which end out weighs the other.
im trying to plan a trip to CA right now which would involve taking a train like this SD>LA>my home town santa cruz.i will most likely be doing it in august if i get my shit together in time.
other than that my life has been pretty much lame im sick of seattle but feel stuck here sorta.i have a love hate thing going with it here we will see which end out weighs the other.

I understand the love hate thing, thats how I feel about living here, but that will all change soon in 16 1/2 weeks! I am ready to move, then again I am not ready to move. And not knowing where we will be moving is scary and exciting. Okay enough rambling from me, have a great day baby