Indie rock is making a huge comeback.
I have four of their albums and also minor threat and saw them live once, theyre good but not like the usual stuff I listen to!
ya think?
I went on a hike yesterday, 15 miles and 6 hours later, I am very sore.
Seat is almost ready to install, ran into a clearance problem with the shock tower but we will get through it. I have started work on the wiring and its coming along nicely.

Building a car is an experiance, especially a custom car where nothing you buy is simply off the shelf. every corner you turn there is an engineering challenge awaiting you. When its...
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that dog is my dog smile
wow amazing!!! who is???
I am having my door panels upholstered next week, we have some welding to take care of before we blast the front end apart and send it to the powder coaters. we are going to try to finnish the car in 2 weeks we will see.
I took off the door panels to make templates for the new one,