So I ran across what has to be one of my favorite Trance tracks today and it just blew me away how amazing it makes me feel to hear it.
The song is by Dogzilla and is called "Without You" and it just gets me every time. I'm not sure what the original authors intended when they wrote it but I find something deeply freeing in the words.
In the beginning in evokes in me that feeling of realizing that without the other there is nothing. And that the disconnection from the other is paralyzing. This speaks to me of our deep and true need not for connection but the realization that we already are all connected. Separation is an illusion that brings misery into our lives and makes life much harder than it needs to be. When we can step outside the ego and look with fresh eyes into humanity we can see just how amazing and radiant everyone really is. And the act of recognizing the ego to set it aside even for a moment helps to call out the fact that we all have this ego self that drives us to forget our true nature and keeps us apart.
At one point I see how when we become numb to things (hypnotized and mesmerized) that we end up in situations where we get burned by our desires. Fear overcomes us because we of our desire to possess things. We fear not getting what we desire, we fear losing it when we obtain it. This fear drives us to separation from the other like some crazed Gollum and his "precious". This isn't to say we can't have things, but the relationship we have with our possessions often causes us to value them more than the rest of humanity.
And so the chorus says it all and it's something that I want to keep engraved in my heart forever. "If I could talk to you, Embrace you, Whisper in your ear, I would tell you. That you are the only thing I need." This is like a love song to humanity from the universal heart within. The longing to help every person remember how connected we are and how much we need each other so we can wake up from this nightmare of separation. For anybody reading this I really do wish I could talk to you and hug you and whisper to you how much I need you and how brilliantly amazing you are. You were born into a world that piled on all kinds of crap that tries to define you and help you separate when instead it should have nurtured you and brought you back into the fold. It is hard to see sometimes but everyone has this same inherent deep love within them that we all share. When we truly love someone and it's not about trying to possess them but to genuinely love them, we aren't really giving them love. We are waking them up to the love that we all already have within us in endless supply. It's all about reconnecting with it by breaking down the walls of separation that have been built around us by our need to define and separate ourselves from each other.
And so even though we may have never met and maybe never will, I'm still nothing without you. I need you and you matter. You have so much to offer, never forget it and free yourself from the burdens of illusion that tell you otherwise. Come join me and be in love with everything and nothing. And if you aren't ready to, that's ok too. I'll be waiting here with outstretched arms and endless love.
Thank you for sharing this time with me. With a bursting heart and grateful tears, the i steps aside and the I LOVES YOU.![love](
The song is by Dogzilla and is called "Without You" and it just gets me every time. I'm not sure what the original authors intended when they wrote it but I find something deeply freeing in the words.
In the beginning in evokes in me that feeling of realizing that without the other there is nothing. And that the disconnection from the other is paralyzing. This speaks to me of our deep and true need not for connection but the realization that we already are all connected. Separation is an illusion that brings misery into our lives and makes life much harder than it needs to be. When we can step outside the ego and look with fresh eyes into humanity we can see just how amazing and radiant everyone really is. And the act of recognizing the ego to set it aside even for a moment helps to call out the fact that we all have this ego self that drives us to forget our true nature and keeps us apart.
At one point I see how when we become numb to things (hypnotized and mesmerized) that we end up in situations where we get burned by our desires. Fear overcomes us because we of our desire to possess things. We fear not getting what we desire, we fear losing it when we obtain it. This fear drives us to separation from the other like some crazed Gollum and his "precious". This isn't to say we can't have things, but the relationship we have with our possessions often causes us to value them more than the rest of humanity.
And so the chorus says it all and it's something that I want to keep engraved in my heart forever. "If I could talk to you, Embrace you, Whisper in your ear, I would tell you. That you are the only thing I need." This is like a love song to humanity from the universal heart within. The longing to help every person remember how connected we are and how much we need each other so we can wake up from this nightmare of separation. For anybody reading this I really do wish I could talk to you and hug you and whisper to you how much I need you and how brilliantly amazing you are. You were born into a world that piled on all kinds of crap that tries to define you and help you separate when instead it should have nurtured you and brought you back into the fold. It is hard to see sometimes but everyone has this same inherent deep love within them that we all share. When we truly love someone and it's not about trying to possess them but to genuinely love them, we aren't really giving them love. We are waking them up to the love that we all already have within us in endless supply. It's all about reconnecting with it by breaking down the walls of separation that have been built around us by our need to define and separate ourselves from each other.
And so even though we may have never met and maybe never will, I'm still nothing without you. I need you and you matter. You have so much to offer, never forget it and free yourself from the burdens of illusion that tell you otherwise. Come join me and be in love with everything and nothing. And if you aren't ready to, that's ok too. I'll be waiting here with outstretched arms and endless love.
Thank you for sharing this time with me. With a bursting heart and grateful tears, the i steps aside and the I LOVES YOU.