In my weird and unique opinion. (Good music is no laughing matter or simply a matter of entertainment - sorry, no Stairway to Heaven here - it's great, but not that great - I think I'd vote Kashmir above that anyway).
3. Cirkus - King Crimson (showing that relative simplicity can still become something utterly exquisite)
2. Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen (of course)
1. Best rock song I've ever heard:
Cassandra Gemini - The Mars Volta
Those poor sad people are best dealt with through humor as you are doing. Isn't it interesting that they embrace the instincts to compete, judge and feel superior but finding women attractive whom we evolved to like is somehow illegitimate. There's nothing like ignorance mixed with arrogance.
@jozsef It's not really surprising as males are inherently disposable due to the unlimited breeding capacity of any individual male (one male could hypothetically impregnate a dozen women a day 365 days a year). It leads society whether inclined politically left or right to cast the majority of males as less worthy of existence than their female counterparts. Inevitably, there must be rationalizations for disparate treatment between the sexes and male sexuality is one of the most obvious and universal scapegoats.