Today morning, walking in a street in my neighborhood i found out there was a building burnt almost to the ground. The fire started around 1 AM, roughly I hour before I went to sleep, without noticing anything. I was told that the firemen came with their sirens off, according to new regulations about night-time interventions, and extinguished the fire without causing any din.... dans le grand silence de la nuit provenale.
At the same time, I felt a bit freaked out and totally irrational for being freaked out with that..... As if I was nostalgic of a time when the whole neighborhood would have gone out in the street dressed in pajamas for watching the house burning. Anyway, I wonder... if asked if I would prefer, not being disturbed by the firemen's alarm, or not being made aware that there is a house on fire near to mine, is it so obvious I would have chosed the first?
After all, maybe I'm just being nostalgic of a time I could have watched houses burning, dressed in pajamas.
That's what happened last night.
At the same time, I felt a bit freaked out and totally irrational for being freaked out with that..... As if I was nostalgic of a time when the whole neighborhood would have gone out in the street dressed in pajamas for watching the house burning. Anyway, I wonder... if asked if I would prefer, not being disturbed by the firemen's alarm, or not being made aware that there is a house on fire near to mine, is it so obvious I would have chosed the first?
After all, maybe I'm just being nostalgic of a time I could have watched houses burning, dressed in pajamas.
That's what happened last night.
Its been rebuilt every time. Does that tell us more about the resilience of the owner and his spirit or about the capitalistic ideals which stand behind such a venture?