have you ever sat across a table from someone that you have looked at and studied their face at least a hundred times, and see them in a completely different way? i sat across the table from a friend of mine tonight and i was taken aback at how beautiful she is. her eyes are lighter than i have recalled in the past and in the moments that i spent with her, fairly luminescent. it's funny how regret can color things differently, isn't it? (of course she has always been beautiful to me and she always will, but it was overwhelming to me for some reason tonight.)
i am hopeful about the future today. i feel like i might actually stop procrastinating with things i know i shouldn't, and in doing so, feel productive enough to be inspired to do the things that fire me inside. of course, that might be the endorphins talking, as i just finished a pretty fast run. still, though..it's nice to feel positive instead of disasociated from yourself. it's strange how sometimes you feel like an outsider looking in on your own life. guess it's time i wandered back in.
i love lorrie moore. do yourself a favor and read anything you can find. similiarly, i love david sedaris. his new book is out and i'm saving it for a day that my attention isn't skewed. i am dying to read it though, and i haven't even peeked! (strange considering i am one of those people that read the last page of a book first...).
i am going to look at all your journal entries tommorow, i have been a bad sort of e-friend. i swear i am trying to prioritize better.
***note to a certain girl: thank you for trying, if nothing else. it means alot.***
i am hopeful about the future today. i feel like i might actually stop procrastinating with things i know i shouldn't, and in doing so, feel productive enough to be inspired to do the things that fire me inside. of course, that might be the endorphins talking, as i just finished a pretty fast run. still, though..it's nice to feel positive instead of disasociated from yourself. it's strange how sometimes you feel like an outsider looking in on your own life. guess it's time i wandered back in.
i love lorrie moore. do yourself a favor and read anything you can find. similiarly, i love david sedaris. his new book is out and i'm saving it for a day that my attention isn't skewed. i am dying to read it though, and i haven't even peeked! (strange considering i am one of those people that read the last page of a book first...).
i am going to look at all your journal entries tommorow, i have been a bad sort of e-friend. i swear i am trying to prioritize better.
***note to a certain girl: thank you for trying, if nothing else. it means alot.***
I had a similar experience with my sister yesterday. We haven't been spending much time together of late. I went over to her place and had breakfast. We sat around drinking coffee, eating biscotti, and playing scrabble and mancala. We had a long talk, full of laughter and she started talking about scars for some reason. She pointed out a bump in the palm of her hand.
She said she'd gotten it running in the rain when we were in high school. It was my prom night and she had wanted to be outside the auditorium to see me in my prom finery. She'd slipped and embedded a small pebble in there. I never knew she'd come to see me all dressed up. It touched me and I smiled at her. We looked at each other for a few minutes, not speaking, casting our minds back to when we were silly girls together. I saw her as I'd not seen her before.
Appreciating all the lovely SG kids who fill in those blanks divinely, like yourself.