hmm. been away a while...i have to say the siren song of naked girls hasn't been much of a call to dash myself against rocks to see them. the new site layout is a little....busy. is it me?
how are all of you? what monumental amazing things have you done since...(gasp) november 2005??!! Yikes, i guess i'm not one for updates, am i? as for me, still plugging along with work, home, and all else that falls between. turned 30 without any fanfare or shirt rending. i sort of feel unchanged, save for the small feeling that the other leg has wound up over the fence, and all i have left to do is lose my balance and slide to the other side. growing up is an uncomfortable, lengthy process.
how are all of you? what monumental amazing things have you done since...(gasp) november 2005??!! Yikes, i guess i'm not one for updates, am i? as for me, still plugging along with work, home, and all else that falls between. turned 30 without any fanfare or shirt rending. i sort of feel unchanged, save for the small feeling that the other leg has wound up over the fence, and all i have left to do is lose my balance and slide to the other side. growing up is an uncomfortable, lengthy process.
Very very nice to see you.