Super excited blog!!!!!!!!!! Must have a ton of exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Adopted a pitbull puppy. I think he was abused, but has remarkably few behavioral issues now that he is crate trained and has stopped pooping in my house.
Selling ten acres south of Tampa. Anyone want to invest in real estate?
Covered in poison ivy. Dog must have picked it up in the woods and rubbed it off on me. Two weeks later, I'm still itchy and terribly unatrractive, and he is fine. Damn the outdoors!
Speaking of the outdoors, this set Fever with the lovely Millioux is in Member Review today. Total fucking hotness. We are the shit. It's in the spring contest, so go vote!
If you haven't seen it, my set "Awake" with Zoetica has done decently well in MR. Take another look, and be sure to read the intro. As personal as it gets. It also shows my newest tattoo and how the ink in the middle rejected (extremely painful).

Adopted a pitbull puppy. I think he was abused, but has remarkably few behavioral issues now that he is crate trained and has stopped pooping in my house.
Selling ten acres south of Tampa. Anyone want to invest in real estate?
Covered in poison ivy. Dog must have picked it up in the woods and rubbed it off on me. Two weeks later, I'm still itchy and terribly unatrractive, and he is fine. Damn the outdoors!
Speaking of the outdoors, this set Fever with the lovely Millioux is in Member Review today. Total fucking hotness. We are the shit. It's in the spring contest, so go vote!

If you haven't seen it, my set "Awake" with Zoetica has done decently well in MR. Take another look, and be sure to read the intro. As personal as it gets. It also shows my newest tattoo and how the ink in the middle rejected (extremely painful).

have you realized the last 4 sets you have up they all went up on a 24th... lame i know, but i needed to tell