its been awhile since i have posted something..i have been so busy out here in northern california working as a master plumber with so much responibility to run a essetial plumbing busness during this covid crises and recovering also..i have sacraficed my busy social life in order to prevent reinfection again ..i have got the vacine and now everything is open except my little hangout/bar/art...
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It has been a long year after my battle with the covid isolated and sick for 49 days and a long recovery afterwards..All that time runnng my small plumbing company providing essential services to the community ..after all water is life!I threw away the rule book and used magic mushrooms and cannabas to deal during this loong year..just about every day i take a break...
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It’s been a rough year so far ..time to put another stamp on my pysocodelic passport and head out in my space capsule to a destiny unknown..tonight I have had the pleasure of consuming a. Chocalete made with golden teacher magic mushrooms.. I use mushrooms often and during my battle with the covid I dosed daily with honey ..it’s decriminalized here in Oakland ca ..we...
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I am back at my little plumbing busness here in oakland california..i have been so busy on my farm and providing plumbing services for the community..these are tough times and i do my best to help everyone..the old folks are taking in theit children and i visit places where there is no hot water for weeks as they wait to find me to help them...
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after returning to the community after finally testing negative after 49 days i have returned to work and had a full medical evaluation..blood tests.x rays and a ct scan determined my organs are in good shape and all my levels are fine.i am still exhausted and have trouble breathing but every day i move farward...the government has approved a loan for my busness so i...
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As I have spent many days self quarantined here in the Bay Area of California..Oakland to be more specific is a place where artists musicians and makers flocked because of cheap rent and the proximity to the great expensive city of San Francisco ..I watched my friends take action to isolate but continue during this time to be creative and continue to create the magic...
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beautiful words! we can only go ahead and overcome it all. Good luck!

Still dealing here after 33 days my throat sore ..my lungs hurt and I am hella tired..it’s been a long fight ups and downs..a few days ago I was not feeling it and asked one of my workers and friends to take care of my two dogs as I fell in a decent..a bucket strapped to my gate my friends mostly ladies bring me supplies...
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I hope you are feeling better now!
Unfortunately I tested positive for the third time today ..
After 21 days I was tested finally,,came up positive ,,I am recovering and soon enough I will return to my plumbing. Busness water is life ,, it’s been a long fight ,,went all 12 rounds ,,I am a bit tired and beat but I am alive ,,thanks to all my friends that have supplied me over the last hard weeks ,, farwell
I hope you recover quickly! Sending well wishes for you